we are just friends (well we were)

Start from the beginning

"Dang it I forgot to put my phone on charge." She muttered, turning around and heading back towards the dressing room.

"Fuck Camz." Ally paused, her feet slowing down as she approached the closed door of the dressing room.

"Jesus... Camz... You've got to go harder." Ally's eyes were wide at this point, a voice muffled but very clearly Lauren's. Ally put her hands over her mouth as she heard Camila whining.

"I can not believe you... right before the show too." Camila's voice was strained, Lauren's whimpered reply made Ally's eyes widen so they were practically dinner plates in her face.

"Fuck..." Ally drew the line at a breathless Camila and wrenched the door open.

However, she was not faced with what she was expecting which would've been Camila with her hand down Lauren's pants. No, instead she was faced with Camila holding a damp cloth over Dinah's favourite post show hoodie, a large stain forming on the hoodie.

"What in sweet Jesus is going on in here?" Ally yelped, trying to sound demanding. Lauren looked at Ally with a guilty expression.

"I got chocolate on Dinah's hoodie..." She said quietly. Camila grimaced and kept rubbing the hoodie to try and clean it.

"It's proving hard to get out." Camila groaned. Ally put her hands to her temples.

"I swear to God from outside it sounded like you two were having sex." Ally whined with a shudder. Both Lauren and Camila looked surprised before Lauren winced, thinking back.

"Okay I can see how that could be misinterpreted without knowing the situation." Ally went to reply when Camila gasped.

"You're on in like two minutes!" She yelped. Ally and Lauren rushed out the room but not before Lauren pressed a kiss to Camila's cheek.


Camila sighed slowly, the exhaustion setting in.

"You alright Mila?" Camila opened her eyes at Dua's voice. Camila had stuck around for Dua's first show to be a supportive friend but the jet lag of flying to the UK was hitting her after the show.

"Just a bit tired." Camila smiled weakly and Dua landed on the sofa next to her, her arm falling around Camila's shoulder.

"I think I have something to make you feel better." Dua said with a sly smile. Camila frowned before following Dua's eyeline.

Her eyes lit up when she saw Lauren standing in the doorway, hands around a blue duffel bag and a grin on her face. Camila sat there for a second too long, shocked, she hadn't seen Lauren in months because of her tour and now she was standing in front of her in that damn varsity jacket and skinny jeans with her hair all messy from the plane.

"Lo!" Camila shot off the sofa, launching herself into Lauren's arms, her legs wrapping around Lauren's waist in a koala hug. Lauren dropped the bag at her side to curl her hands around Camila's back and snuggled her face into Camila's neck.

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