"It's nothing," She speaks with her deep rasp and a smile. "Well, I hope you make it home safe. Please don't stay out too long, these streets can be pretty dangerous." She stands up, heading towards the area she came from.

"Wait!" Camila calls out, causing the woman to stop in her tracks. "Who are you?"

"La Ilusión." She replies. Of course she wouldn't tell me her actual name, Camila thinks, unsatisfied. "I'm Camila Cabello."

"Nice to meet you, Camz." She walks off towards the fence in the back of the alley and climbs it, disappearing into the night.

After that event, she rushes back to her apartment home at almost one in the morning, wanting to get back to safety as soon as possible. She silently steps into her room as to not wake her best friend and heads into her room with the jacket still wrapped around her shoulders. Hiding under the covers, she went into deep thought about the events of what happened earlier. She knows she would have to tell Dinah about what happened sooner or later. Although if there's one thing she's going to keep quiet about, it will be about the girl in the mask- that's going to be her little secret.

It's been a month since Camila's fateful, nocturnal encounter with La Ilusión, and she's still having dreams about her and the event almost every single night. She feels may be going a little 'crazy', but she cannot rest until she discovers the identity of that woman. The dreams are always the same thing: A disaster occurs, then La Ilusión shows up to help and save Camila. Each dream, she gets closer and closer to pulling off her mask, but never seems to make it.

She sighs as she gets up to get dressed and prepare for the rest of the day. Since it's her day, she decided to head to the local cafe for a few cups of coffee and possibly a donut. After prepping herself, she steps out the house and drives to the cafe.

She parks her car, then walks towards the entrance. After she walks inside, she notes the big crowd hanging around the seating area. Wow, I've never seen such a huge turn-out, She thinks to herself before walking towards an available couch with a window view of the city. She takes a seat and waits for the line to diminish while looking out the window at the people walking down the streets. It was a clear, sunny morning, which she would normally find rather painful for her eyes, and too happy' for her liking, but today, she's appreciating the atmosphere around here. She believes that the whole thing with La Ilusión and that man has changed her a bit too much, too fast, and she's not sure if she liked it or not. It's not like La Ilusión is ever going to return to this are again, or if she even wants to be seen my Camila ever again. Hell, she isn't even sure if the whole thing was a dream, or just some sort of coping mechanism she implanted into her memory somehow.

Once she sees the line has gone down, she makes her way towards the counter where the barista, whose name-tag read Veronica, stood with a bitter expression. "How can I help you?" She questions with in a monotone voice.

"Oh, hello!" She greets with a smile. The barista taps her fingers on the counter, waiting for her to say her order. "Um, I'll take a small cappuccino and a chocolate donut, please."

"That'll be 4.95$."

"Alright." Camila pulls out her purses and begins fishing through it. She pauses once she realizes her wallet was nowhere to be seen. She chuckles anxiously as she notes the barista eyeing her. "It must be in my bag somewhere. I know I brought my wallet." She frantically searches through it and then dumps it on the counter in desperation: nothing. "Okay, um...it seems like I left my money at home, but, um-"

"Alright, enough of this. I don't have time for this. I have customers waiting behind you. Either you have the money, or you don't. So goodbye- and bring your purse next time." She gestures towards the door.

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