- Timeskip -

Boys POV

"I really got to work on my mobility," Kirishima says while taking off his arm braces, "You could also compensate my improving on other skills," Tokoyami adds while tightening his tie, "Still wish I could use my quirk for speed, I'm jealous of guys like you and Sero," Kaminari sighs, "Hey Midoriya! Check this out! You won't believe what I just found, the jackpot!" Mineta was pointing at a hole in the wall, "Someone dug a hole in the wall, our previous generation has given us a gift! You know what's next door right? The girl's locker room!" He was drooling, "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT PEEPING ON THEM WOULD BE CRIMINAL!" Iida was chopping the air, "Well then you need to throw me into solitary confinement, cause you can't stop me!" He proceeds to rip the poster off the wall, I want to see Yaoyorozu's curves, Ashido's slender waist, Hagakure's floating panties, Uraraka's super fine body, Karasuma's pouty cheeks, Kaede's legs!" Then Jiro's earphone jack stuck out from the other side of the wall and the click of a gun could be heard, "You were saying you perverted prick?" Karma's gun loaded with Anti-Sensei BBs against Mineta's back where his heart would be, and Jiro's jack stuck into his eye, "OWIE!!!!" Mineta screamed, "T-that's Jiro's earphone jack, what a brutal and precisive, attack from next door!" Deku exclaims. 

Yuki POV 

We were changing back into our uniforms, "Wow, now that was a hero course training session!" Mina stretches her muscles, everyone agreed, "Yeah I feel like my muscles are about to snap." Tsu adds, "You got that right," I agreed, we started charging back into our school uniform when Jiro stuck her earphone jack into the wall, her face darkened, she started giving us a play by play of what Mineta was saying, we were disgusted, "Give it to them Jiro!" Kaede shouts punching the air, she nods and feeds her earphone jack through the hole and into his eye, we all snicker and give her a hi-five, "Ugh, thanks Kiyoka!" Hagakure says, "Despicable! We'll close up this hole immediately!" Yaomomo adds. It was the end of the day and we started going back home, "Wow, what a training! My arms feel like they're going to snap off!" I groan, Kaede nods her head, "That Mineta was such a perv earlier today!" She pouts, Karma has his devil horns and tail showing, "Oh don't worry Kayano and Peaches, I showed him who's boss," Nagisa sweatdropped, "What happened in the changerooms?" I question scared, "You don't want to know."

It was the next day, and we were walking into class again, the bell rang, "That's it for class today, there's only one week left until your final exams, I'm sure you're all studying constantly, am I right? Don't forget to keep training either, the written exam is only one element, there's also the practical portion to worry about, good luck." And Mr Aizawa walks out of our class, "I'VE BARELY EVEN TAKEN NOTES THIS SEMESTER!" Kaminari and Mina shout, "And with the sports festival and internships, I haven't had the time to study from the textbook either!" Kaminari adds, "As someone who ranked above the top ten, I'm not too worried about the midterms." Mineta says lounging back, sparkles radiating off of him, "WHAT YOU GOT NINTH OUT OF TWENTY??!! Oh man and I thought you were one of us!" Mina and Kaminari exclaim, "Ashido, Kaminari we have time to study before the midterms, that way we can all go together! Oh, Karma, Yuki, Nagisa, Kayano, how did you guys go at your old school?" Karma just smirks, and points to himself and me "Equal first in maths," He then points at Kaede, "First in Japanese," He points at Nagisa, "And first in Language Arts," I nod "We're pretty solid, especially when your teacher's tentacles are on the line, we take any chance to slow him down, in conclusion, Karma was first place in the entire school, I was fourth, Kaede was ninth and Nagisa was sixth last year!" Izuku looks shocked, "Wow, you guys aren't that bad either! I thought you were in the bottom class though, and do you mean out of the entire school!" We nod, "You do what you've got to do to snipe a Koro-Sensei," Nagisa says, everyone was shocked, "Man you guys seem to have so much fun in E class, I'm jealous! You get to assassinate and you smoke the academics!" Mina pouts, my aura changes, "If you think being in E class is all fun and games, oh you're wrong." All four of us change, "Hey guys what's wrong?" Mina cocks her head, I snap out of it "Oh, it's nothing! If you want, you can come over to my place to study, Karma and I can help out with maths, Kaede can help with Japanese and Nagisa can help with Language Arts, specifically English! Yaomomo, do you want to come to? You're top of the class if you want to lend a hand?" I smile, she lights, up, "Oh, OF COURSE!" She's jumping up and down, "Great! I'll send the address to you guys later!" I wave them off, "Really! I can't wait to see your fancy digs! After all, your dad does work with the government! I'm sure your place is awesome!" I sweatdrop, "I-It's not that amazing," We all head out to lunch, "Are you scared at all Karma?" I ask him, he just shakes his head, "Come on, you're looking at the number one of E-class, let alone the number one of Kunugigaoka!" He has a smug look on his face puffing his chest, "Ok wonderboy, let's grab our food and sit down." He nods and we walk over to our group, "Oh man, Yuki! I'm terrified!" Mina was sobbing on my blazer, "Oh, haha, mind if you shimmy over a little, you know." I point at my blazer, "O-oh, I'M SORRY!!!" She was crying even harder now, I sigh and pet her head, "Don't worry Mina, I told you I'd help you right? That's what friends are for!" She looks up face brightening, "Hey, mind if I come?" Sero asks I nod, "Anyone's welcome!" I see Monoma, ruffling Izuku's feathers but then Kendo steps in, "Guess he never changes huh?" The groups laugh, out of the corner of my eye, out the window, I see something I hoped I'd never see, "YUJA!!???" I stand up gaining the attention of multiple tables, I run-up to the glass, he sees me and starts waving, crap, "No, no, no, no, no!" Everyone probably thought I was an idiot, I quickly run down, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YUJA??!!" He smirks acting cool, "I came to find you of course, who knew you went to UA, do you have a quirk?" He gets awfully close, "Um, no, how did you get in here anyways?!" He grins, "Dad paid some money for me to tour the place, I'm here for a short while anyways so let's make the most of it," He comes in for a kiss, I run away, him hot on my tail, "GO AWAY!!!!" He puts on his cute voice, "Never! I love you too much!" He blows kisses at me, I burst the door open and run trying to find my group in the cafeteria, "KARMAAAAA!" I scream, now the entire cafeteria was looking at me running like an idiot screaming Karma's name, "KARMAAA!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??!" Yuja pushes the door open and locks eyes, with me, I scream once again, "KARMAAAA!!!!!!" He pops out of the sea of heads, "Shhhh, Yuki, it's embarrassing with everyone watching," I quickly run up to him, clambering on him, my teeth chattering, "Hey, what's wrong?" He supports my legs "Yeah what's wrong Yuki?" Mina pokes my back, "H-Him!" I jab my finger in Yuja's direction, Karma's face contorts into disgust, "Oh, this prick, I thought I'd never see him again." Mina was so confused, "Who is he, do you know him?" Karma lets me down and slowly walks up to Yuja, I nod, "That little creep was the one who tried to get a date out of me when we were on the island during out infiltration mission, now he won't leave me alone." I hop into Mina's arms not letting go, "I see you're quite the Man's lady~" She wiggles her eyebrows, I playfully slap her face, oh no, crap I run out of Mina's arms and see Karma and Yuja with a ring of students around them, he has his nose lifted up ready to do what he did to grip, "Oh come on Karma, are you really going to do this again?" I lean on his crouched body, "Spice him! Spice him! Spice him! Spice him!" The crowd was cheering, I sigh, what can I do now, "H-hey Yuki, you're going to help right?" Yuja pleads I shrug, "It was your problem to mix with me, now you face the wrath of Karma and that rachet bag," he smirks playing it cool, "I won't stop till you give into my awesome looks," He flashes a smile, "Ugh, do what you want Karma," He grins, "Gladly Peaches," Oh is this guy going to be a pain.

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