I. You're hired

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"Good morning, my name is Y/N" you said as you smiled gently "I have a meeting with Mr. Rian Johnson"

"Oh yes, he is expecting you" she said smiling back at you "come with me, this way please" she said as she stood up her seat.

You followed as she said, taking off your scarf and making sure your hair was in place. You went to take an elevator, and she pressed the five-floor.

"Don't be nervous" she said looking at you "he is a really kind man, I'm sure you'll do great"

"Thank you, I hope so" you said looking forward as the doors opened.

"Now you walk down the hall and knock on his door. Good luck!" she exclaimed and went back to the elevator.

You walked down the hall until you met his door. You stood there for a minute, taking deep breaths and reminding yourself of who you are and what you accomplished so far. You fill yourself with confidence and knocked on his door.

A man opened it, it wasn't Rian. It was his young assistant.

"Good morning, Y/N. We were expecting you, please come in" he said with a small smile in his mouth "May I take your coat please?"

"Good morning. Yes, thank you" you said as you took your coat off and handle it to him.

Rian Johnson was sitting at his desk, looking at you. At this time, you swear you could just faint, or puke all over his office. You were so flattered to be meeting him face to face, you just couldn't believe how lucky you were.

"Oh, hello there" he said standing up and handling his hand to you.

You shook his hand as you spoke "Mr. Johnson Im so honor to meet you, I feel very flattered. Thanks in advance for meeting me"

"Please, thank you for coming. Take a seat" he said smiling at you. You sat in front of him, trying to calm yourself down.

"Listen, Y/N" he said as he looked at you "I've already chosen you. I want you to be the makeup artist for the film. I saw your work and I already knew that you were the one I need"

You sat there, looking at him with your mouth open "Wow, Mr Johnson. I don't know what to say, t-this is not what I expected" you said nervously "I'm so grateful and ready to take the job, this is more than I've ever expected"

"I'm glad you do" he said smiling, something about his face made you feel secure. He had such a friendly face and personality "so, as you must know, the film is going to be shot in Ireland, mostly on the Skelling Michael island" he stood up and started walking over his office "if you take the job, you would have to move there for the entire year, and part of the coming year. All the crew and actors are going to live in the same hotel, provided but us. Everyone will have their own room, and it's going to be placed near the island"

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You could just stand up and kiss the man as you shouted "HELL YES LET'S GO RIGHT NOW"

"I know it's an important decision to make, and I hope you take it because seriously no one is more capable of this job than you" he said, staring at you, waiting for an answer.

"Mr Johnson, I'm in" you said looking at his eyes with a nervous laugh "I am ready to take this job"

"Good, I was hoping to" he said laughing too.

He took you down some details, like payment and insurence. You listened carefully to every detail, making questions and making sure everything was understood. He went through every character with you as he told you what would you be doing with every one of them. There was going to be another makeup artist working with you. He was going to handle the more older actors as he specified his training on elder skin and makeup, and you were going to handle the younger ones.

He explained to you that you needed to read the plot, to get inside each character and know exactly what to do. You couldn't believe that. You were not a Star Wars fan, you saw a couple of movies when you were younger, but you haven't seen the previous one, The Force Awakens. You already knew what you were going to do once you got home.

He handled you the contract and plot "Please read it carefully. You have a confidentiality section, were is explain that you can't share any details and what would happen if you do. I'll give you a few minutes to read it" he said leaving the room.

You took the contract and started reading it. You got to the plot and the cast, and you were amazed: Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill. You saw the main characters names, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Adam Driver.

Adam Driver.

You look at his name as you remembered the huge crush you had on him ever since you have seen him on Girls. The show sucked, but you watch it entirely just because of him. You flushed as you kept reading.

Rian came back. "So, are you ready to sign it?" he said handing a pen to you.

"Never been so sure of something in my life" you said taking it and signing the contract. You stood up and smiled at him.

"Great, you're hired. Welcome on board" he smiled at you and shook your hand.

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