• 1 • Someone Like You-JK

Start from the beginning

He took in a sharp breath and dropped his hand from your face. Suddenly everything felt colder. The wind hit against your face erasing any trace of warmth that his hand had previously left behind.

"Say it." His voice was deeper all of a sudden and you turned to him.

"W-what?" You stuttered out.

"Say it." He repeated, this time a bit louder.

You knew what he meant. He didn't have to say it...Jungkook knew you better than anyone else and regardless if you shared or voiced your feelings or not, he knew how you felt, every single time. But you sometimes wished he didn't...it would always ruin the moment or the atmosphere. It was always you. And it made you feel like a burden.

You took in a shaky breath.

"Jungkook, I... I just don't... I don't want you to deal with this. I don't want you to deal with someone like me. Someone like you shouldn't have to deal with such a mess...Someone like you shouldn't have to deal with someone like me."

You slowly looked up to see his reaction but his face was blank of any emotion.

"'Someone like you?' What does that even mean Sol?" His voice was calm, but you felt as if you were about to burst out crying at any moment.

Why was he making you say it out loud? So you both could realize the truth after trying to deny it for months now?

This wasn't a place for Jungkook. He didn't belong with you. He didn't belong in your world. With someone who was so plain. So not... perfect.

He was perfect. He was thee Jungkook that everyone loved. And you were just Sol. It didn't make sense.

'Could I even dare breathe the same air as him? Could I even dare talk to someone like him?... Could I even dare love someone like him?' These were the thoughts that ran through your head.

You knew he didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve him and despite the excruciating ache in your heart and how much you wanted to deny the truth, it was impossible. This was reality.

He was for the world, not for you. He belonged to the world... he didn't belong to you.

You tried to blink away the tears and spoke as your throat closed.

"You... Jungkook, you're perfect... you can't feel anything for me... You can't feel anything for someone like me."

"Stop." His voice was cold as he spoke. "Stop saying 'someone like me.' Stop comparing what isn't there."

Suddenly, he took a hold of your arm and pulled you closer against his chest as he looked into your eyes.

"Stop doing that Sol. I've had enough of everyone doing that! Stop telling me what I should and shouldn't feel and who I should feel this way towards. You can't do that. You can't decide for me... I won't let you decide for me."

For the first time, you heard his voice shaking. Before you knew it, his arms were wrapped around you.

"I'm not perfect Sol. No one is perfect... Don't think so highly of me because if perfect does exist, you're closer to it than I am... than I'll ever be."

You felt a warm feeling in your chest as he pulled away, only to take a hold of your hands.

"Stop thinking those things... just stop thinking so much. I know what you're feeling and I know how you think. You have never, will never, could never be a burden to me... I enjoy being with you most. With you, I can be me, just me. The real me that I can't show to anyone else. I don't have to hide any part of me from you, I don't have to be two people... With you, I feel real."

"Is this what you call perfect? Someone who's basically living two lives?" He chuckled and planted a warm kiss on your hands.

You were shocked and stuttered as you tried speaking once again.


He looked at you with warm eyes and gently put a strand of hair behind your ear.

"If anything, someday I hope to be like you Sol... I hope to be someone like you," He finished.

At this point, your heart felt as though it jumped out of your chest. A smile took over your face as he said those words.

He smiled back widely and engulfed you in a tight hug again. You relaxed in his arms as you buried your head into his chest and closed your eyes tightly, pushing back the tears as you thought about the biggest mistake that you were just about to make.

"I love you Sol...I love you so damn much."

"....I love you."


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