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Eden smirked, "Didn't want you to miss me too much." He spoke, his voice dipping in a lower tone.

Rhett's jaw clenched and he licked against the inside of his teeth and stood up straight. He made a low hmph sound and walked off towards where Dawn was.

"Hey Dawnsy," he called after the little male.

Dawn hopped down from the swings, rushing over to Rhett, "H - hi!" He said hugging Rhett, tightly.

Rhett grinned and pulled the little elf upward by his hips, holding him into the air with complete ease. He twirled him around hugging him back before setting him back down on his feet.

"How's my favorite doing today?" He asked leaning down on the ground.

"Y - Y - You mean Hawkie?" Dawn asked, looking back at the male in his mask, who still stood my the swing.

He shook his head. "I meant you bud, I see him all the time."

Behind Dawn, Hawke rolled his eyes and shook his head at Rhett's response. Rhett looked at Hawke and bit his lip.

"Y'all ate anything yet?"

"Swear, always hungry..." Hawke said.

"M' h - h - hungry." Dawn said, snuggling into Rhett's side.

Rhett rubbed Dawn's back and looked at Eden and Hawke. "What are you guys up for?"

"Doesn't matter really, but Dawnie loves anything chicken." Eden said.

Rhett stood up to his feet and looked at the group. "Sounds good to me," he says looking at Dawn.

He then looked at Hawke, "You wanna drive?"

Hawke shook his head and Rhett sighed. "Fine."

Dawn got up, going back over to Eden, holding onto him. "Yay!" Dawn said, jumping happily at the sound of food.

They all made their way to Rhett's car and got in.

Dawn got into the truck, climbing into Hawkie's lap, happily humming. "Wans c - c - chicken."

Hawke gulped, considering the fact that Dawn was dangerously close to his lower region.

"Mmf, safety first..." he grunted setting the elf down on the seat next to him.

Rhett noticed the change in Hawke's voice and he looked back at the two; Hawke who was gripping the seats and Dawn who was pouting on the other side behind Eden.

"You two good back there?"

Dawn didn't answer instead he pouted and looked out the window.

"Alright you two, behave now. I don't wanna have to pull this vehicle over."

Hawke unbuckled and gripped a patch of Rhett's hair, tugging it backwards.

"Hawke... sit back..." Rhett warned, his fork tongue peaking out. That throaty click making an appearance again.

Hawke knew what he was doing and so did Rhett. So Rhett reached backwards and gripped the male's neck. Making another grunt escape from the male in the mask. Hawke immediately let go and sat back down.

Rhett eyed him out from the rearview memory. He shook his head.

He then looked at Eden and pulled out of the parking spot, "See what I gotta deal with?" He asked.

"Someone doesn't like being told what to do, does he?" Eden asked, eyeing Hawke, before returning his eyes back to the road, watching houses pass by.

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