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Dawn wasn't much of a talker, in fact not many have heard him speak.

It wasn't by choice, he does enjoy talking, but he had a problem. One that kept him from talking much or even at all.

He had a stutter, it wasn't like the cute stutter, where you might ruin a word or two, no he couldn't speak a sentence without his words getting tied and his face turning red.The only friend he had was Eden. Eden was everything Dawn wanted to be. Confident, friendly, charming and above all, nice.

Eden was quite popular among the many other hybrids, but he never left Dawn's side.The phoenix never left the small elf's side. Dawn never understand why, he wasn't anything special, but Eden never made him feel that way.

"You okay, Dawnie?" Eden asked, throwing an arm over the male's shoulder and pulling him close. Dawn nodded, biting the dead skin off his lips. Eden always asked him this, because he cared about the elf more then anything else in this world. Eden sent a smile, showing off the beautiful light it radiated.

They walked into the grocery store, Eden going and grabbing a basket for the two.

"I'm going to get the chocolate milk, okay?" Eden said, making Dawn nod happily, going down the candy isle.

He scanned over the many choices, his eyes latched on to the candy that was on the top shelf, without Eden's six foot two stature, he knew his own five foot three self was not going to reach, but damn if he didn't try.He stood up on his tippy toes, his shirt rising to reveal his tummy and he stuck his tongue out in concentration, a small whine leaving his mouth.

The little elf felt a presence behind him, and a larger shadow swallowed his. The sound of a faint tongue-like clicking sound came from behind. A hard chest brushed up against his back and he saw an arm reach out like it was nothing and grabbed the candy. When he turned to look at who it was he was greeted with a taller male with light brown hair and green eyes. His pupils were slit in half like a boa constrictor.

The mysterious guy handed him the candy, the tongue clicking sound resurfaced again. This time he realized the male's throat was making it.

Dawn gladly accepted the bag, a blush covering his cheeks from the hot stranger being so close to him and feeling the tone chest didn't help him either."O- Oh, t- thank you." He said, biting the inside of his cheek and ducking his head.

"S-s-sure," he hissed, a long snake like tongue slithered out his mouth. He immediately gritted his teeth, "Dammit," he grunted.

"You're welcome," he said and stalked off, the hissing growing distant as the male walked down another aisle.

Dawn watched the male leave. Eden soon came over, a pint of chocolate milk in the basket. He smiled widely at Dawn, noticing the bag in his hand. He held the basket out, allowing Dawn to drop it in.

"How did you reach that, it was on the top shelf?"

Dawn smiled, "s- someone he- helped."

Eden raised a brow, but didn't question anymore as they both went to a new aisle, searching for apple juice, Dawn's favorite drink.

Another male was standing in front of the juices. He had a black surgical mask on.  

"What the hell man..." the guy sighed his voice dull, almost lifeless. He seemed to be searching for a specific juice.

Dawn watched for a moment, before speaking, "e- excu- se me, s- sir." He spoke, softly.

The male immediately turned to Dawn, he stepped out of the way. "My apologies..." he trailed off. He wandered a few paces to the left and grabbed a bottle of cherry grape juice.

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