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Outfit: Outfits can be found on my Pinterest profile – Account on Profile (Click on the image to enlarge it)

Disclaimer: I own Charlie, any other OC characters and the book covers. I do not own Doctor Who.


"Doctor?" she called, "Can we go see my dad? I need to see him," after almost dying wanting to see her dad was a reasonable request.

"Of course," the Doctor smiled softly, "Get the date from your dad we'll land tomorrow,"

"Awesome," Charlie hugged the Doctor before running to call her dad. The Doctor sighed when she left, he thought back to what Alistair had said to him and shook his head.

"She's my best friend. That's all," he muttered to himself, but it didn't sound very convincing, "It's not like her smile makes me smile, or her eyes are so beautiful that I could lose...oh boy," he ground and put his head in his hands. This complicates things.

Wolf Whispers

It had been a few months since Charlie escaped death, and Rose was now a permanent companion just like herself. The girls enjoyed spending time together on the TARDIS. They would have girly sleepovers, do each other's nails and have fashion shows using the TARDIS wardrobe (Although mostly they would be joking around and put together a horrible outfit for a laugh). Charlie and the Doctor still had their movie nights, sometimes they were joined by Rose, they also still spent time in the library together.

Charlie was in her room finishing off her hair. She had styled it so that she had two braids down either side of her head, at the base of her skull the braids turned into two ponytails. She grabbed her light grey melange cardigan that sat just below her hips and slipped her feet into her white low-converse. The cardigan and sneakers complimented her light blue skinny jeans with holes in knee and her thin white vest top that tied off at her bellybutton. Lifting her phone, she left her bedroom and made her way to the console room.

The Doctor had told the girls that they were going to investigate a signal that the TARDIS had found. The ship landed just as Charlie walked into the console room,

"Wait for me!" she called as the Doctor and Rose stepped out the TARDIS.

Charlie followed the two of them and found herself standing in what looked like a museum. The room was dimly lit, and display cases were dotted about the room. Charlie looked at some of them and cringed. Most seemed to be body parts of aliens, not the typical stuff you would find in a museum.

"So, what is it? What's wrong?" Rose asked as she too looked about the room.

"Don't know. Some kind of signal drawing the Tardis off course." The Doctor replied, walking around.

"Where are we?" Charlie called over her shoulder, her nose twitched in disgust as she gazed upon the head of what almost looked like a Sulae.

"Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground,"

"And when are we?" Rose asked.

"Two thousand and twelve," the Doctor felt the wall for a light switch.

"God, that's so close. So, I should be twenty-six," Rose said perkily.

"I would be twelve, or just coming up for twelve I suppose depending on the month," Charlie continued to move around the museum.

"Twelve? God, I feel old," Rose moaned making Charlie laugh.

"Really?" the Doctor raised his brow at Rose causing her to flush and look away.

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