Boom Town

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"Woah," she laughed, "You really can dance," she praised as he slowly brought her back up

"Maybe I just needed to right partner," The Doctor smirked and pressed his forehead to hers.

Charlie blushed and smiled bringing her arms up to cross over his head moving closer into her Doctor's space. "Well, you've found her," she said softly before closing the distance between them and once again the two were lost in their bubble hearing nothing but the soft melody of the music guiding them into a sway as they kissed.

"This is new?" Jack asked surprised, he really thought they were already together.

"Yep," Rose smirked watching her friends, "Danced around each other enough. To be honest I was getting ready to lock them in a room and not let them out until they had confessed their feelings,"

"Wouldn't let them out too quick. Got to let them work through the tension," Jack smirked causing Rose to laugh. "May I?" Jack held his hand out to Rose who took it, and he spun her into his arms as they joined the other two dancing the night away.

Bad Wolf

"Is this normal?" Jack asked Rose unable to take his eyes off what was happening in front of him.

"Normal for her? Yeah" Rose laughed as she sipped her wine. The four time-travellers were at a night club on the "party planet" Rupture, having some recreation time after the last trip through time landed them in some hot water.... literally.

"Well damn!" Jack laughed with Rose and threw his drink back before crossing the room stopping every now and then to wrap his arms around some people who tried to grab him to dance with. He kissed a few to apologise for not taking them up on their offer before he found himself in front of his friends.

"Ready?" The Doctor grinned at the redhead who was currently balancing a very sharp looking dagger on the tip of her finger.

"Oh yeah," Charlie's red lips quirked into a smirk before she, without taking her eyes off of her Doctor, threw the dagger off to the side. The sound of applause and cheers let her know she once again hit the target on point.

"Whoo!" Charlie cheers along with them and threw back the 2 shots that one of the waitresses had brought over.

"Had enough yet?" the Doctor asked. Usually, he wouldn't condone the drunken antics that his friend was going through, but this was the first time they had managed to relax in while and he figured she deserved to let it loose after the recent and not so recent events.

"I'm still hitting bullseyes so no!" Charlie giggled she threw her arms around the Doctor who laughed and wrapped his arms around her.

"Need some help, Doc?" Jack smirked at the two.

"All good," The Time Lord said cheerfully, "I've got her. Come on you," he hefted her up into his arms started to walk towards the entrance.

"We going?" Rose asked leaning against a wall to steady herself, "And here was just about to get to know the guy at the bar," she smiled mischievously.

"Oooo which one?" Jack asked, wrapping her arm around the blonde, letting her lean on him.

"The red head at the end," Rose slurred

"Good choice." Jack mused, catching the Doctor's glance he guided Rose towards the door ignoring her whines.

The group got made it back to the TARDIS in one piece. Surprising given Charlie kept running away laughing and had to be chased down by the Doctor each time. The four entered the police box and Jack immediately lifted Rose up as she began to slouch over,

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