World War Three

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Outfit: Outfits can be found on my Pinterest profile – Account on Profile (Click on the image to enlarge it)

Disclaimer: I own Charlie, any other OC characters and the book covers. I do not own Doctor Who.


Ganesh not seeing the danger they were now in continued,

"That's impossible. He left this afternoon. The Prime Minister left Downing Street. He was driven away!" he rambled on looking at the woman

"And who told you that, hmm? Me." Charlie watched in disgust, the two others staring in horror, as the blonde woman reached up to her hairline and started to pull along it, a bright blue light emitted from the gap in her head.

The alien then started to pull the human face down, its large green head popping out. As it continued to remove itself, Charlie began glancing around the room, for anything she could use as a weapon. Sure, there was chairs, but looking back at the alien that had the skinsuit down to its waist, chairs wouldn't do much to a big beast like that.

Once the green alien was free from its disguise, it watched them for a moment and Charlie watched back. When she saw the slightest twitch of movement, she lunched forward and grabbed the back of Ganesh's suit, yanking him back to her Harriett only just missing the Alien's talons by a hair. The three humans watched as the large green beast roared at them in anger for taking away her kill, they backed up a bit as she started towards them. Charlie's gasped when she could suddenly hear pained screams coming from inside the building, and her eyes darkened with rage when she heard the Doctor's scream amongst them.

Wolf Whispers

Charlie glared darkly at the green beast, with nothing else to use, she quickly grabbed a chair and got ready when suddenly the alien began to writhe and screech as what looked like electric volts erupted from its metal collar. Charlie dropped the chair and grabbed the two terrified humans behind her, she pushed them in front of her.

"Go!" she yelled, keeping to the back of them, making sure the alien didn't come up behind them.

Charlie knew she had to keep Harriet and Ganesh safe, but she really wanted to find the Doctor. She needed to make sure he was okay, Charlie took a deep breath and tried to calm her mind. She knew that to protect them, she had to be focused on them and the situation.

The trio ran out the cabinet room and up the corridor, Charlie took notice of the lack of soldiers which made her a bit nervous. Downing street was crawling with armed soldiers so where did they go? Ignoring this for now, Charlie kept her eyes and ears open as she ran behind the pair. They just turned a corner when Harriet stopped,

"No wait!" she panted, "The emergency codes are still in there!" she turned and ran back.

"Are you taking the piss!?" Charlie yelled, chasing after her, once getting Ganesh stay there.

"We need them," Harriet told the redhead, she forgave the language from the young woman given the situation they were in.

They opened the door back to the cabinet room, only to be cut off by the alien who was no longer being electrocuted. Harriet screamed as it roared at them, Charlie grabbed Harriet's hand and yanked her backwards. Once again pushing the older woman in front of her, they ran back the way they came, Ganesh's eyes widened seeing what was following them, he turned tail and ran with the women following them. Harriet stopped to close a door behind her,

"Nope!" Charlie stopped her, "No time. They'll just break it down anyway!"

Just as she finished saying that, the creature chasing them, broke through the large wooden door like it was paper.

Wolf WhispersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz