End of the World

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Title: Wolf Whispers

Rating: T/M

Summary: All Charlotte 'Charlie' Banks wished for was her freedom and her prayers were answered in the form of a Doctor.

Pairing: Nine/Charlie (Slight)

Outfit: Outfits can be found on my Pinterest profile - (Click on the image to enlarge it)

Disclaimer: I own Charlie and any other OC characters. I do not own Doctor Who.

Wolf Whispers


"What do you think?" the Doctor asked her when the door closed behind them,

"Of Rose?" Charlie asked, getting a nod she continued, "I don't know, I've just met her, and I've only said a few words to her. Your choice," Charlie sat on the captain's chair

"You sure?" the Doctor asked just to make sure. He liked Charlie a lot, he could easily say in the last six months that they had been travelling together, she had become his best friend, and he didn't want to make her feel unwanted should he take on another companion.

"Yes," the red head nodded, "I know I'm still your favourite human," she winked getting a grin in return as the piloted the ship back to Rose and stuck his head out the door

"By the way, did I mention it also travels in time?" he called out to her before pulling his head back in and walking away from the door just as Rose ran inside.

Charlie grinned, she couldn't wait for the next adventure, especially now she was out of that chair and could leave the TARDIS.

Wolf Whispers

Charlie crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned her back on the railing behind her. She watched as Rose looked around in awe, she hadn't had the time to really take in what she stood in whilst the Autons were causing trouble.

"Right then," the Doctor clapped his handed excitedly making Charlie smile fondly, "Rose Tyler, you tell me. Where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. It's your choice. What's it going to be?"

"I get to pick?" Rose asked hesitantly, she glanced between Charlie and the Doctor, and Charlie understood.

"It's your first time traveling with us," Charlie explained to the girl, "So you get to pick where you go for your first journey,"

Rose nodded before replying to the Doctor's question, "Forwards."

"How far?"

"One hundred years." The Doctor ran around the TARDIS for a few seconds before he stopped

"There you go. Step outside those doors, it's the twenty second century." He said smugly, he loved watching newbies react to time travel

"You're kidding," Rose gaped, she wasn't sure whether to believe him or not

"That's a bit boring, though." The Doctor shrugged, "Do you want to go further?"

"Fine by me." Rose smiled at the older man. Once again, the Doctor raced around the console,

"Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year 12005, the new Roman Empire."

"You think you're so impressive." Rose smirked making Charlie laugh at the Doctor's face.

"I am so impressive." He pouted.

"You wish." Rose continued to smirk.

"Right then, you asked for it. I know exactly where to go. Hold on!" the TARDIS zoomed through the time vortex before it landed with a thud.

Wolf WhispersWhere stories live. Discover now