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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ Epilogue ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

11 years later

The Magical world has changed drastically in the last decade or so. The last few straggler who sought the dismantling of the new world order, the new peace brought by the end of Second Wizarding War and Dumbledore's machinations, were finally put to rest. Azkaban was overhauled and retro fitted to hold only the most dangerous of criminals, those who have earned a death sentence via the Kiss. A smaller prison was built for those who preformed minor to moderate crimes. Each prison was heavily secured and run by the Goblins, who ensured that once you were in, you never got out unless your sentence was up. Not to mention they got free laborers for their mines to help drive home that Crime does not pay.

The laws had finally been revamped. Most were kept, others had to be changed, new ones were added in and the rest were taken out, but kept records of for educating the students of what a bad law looks like verse a good one. And how easily someone could ruin their world by knowing how to carefully word their bills and laws to make them seem like a good idea, only to find out they are not. The biggest changes in the laws were those concerning Creatures. Now there were more mixed communities than there were solo ones. As much as they wished for a Utopia, they knew it would be impossible because the sad reality was there would always be bigotry, racism, sexism, and so many other bad things. However, as long as they were kept to the minority, they were easily handled.

Werewolves and Vampires enjoyed having somewhere to work and hunt, places to get treatment and to get food or potions. Severus enjoyed his new form of work, owning his very on Apothecary, though he still teaches the NEWT level students and has at least three Apprentices underfoot as well as his beautiful daughter Lilith, who will be starting Hogwarts with many others her age, her younger twin brothers, Salazar and Balthazar recently turned 6 and they were all anxiously awaiting the new baby. Severus provided tailor made potions as well as the improved versions of the general potions. He had so many patents under his name he knew that if the next 100 generations of his family refused to work, they would not be hurting for galleons for a long time.

Never mind what Tom provided from his family vaults. The Naga was content with his job as the new Minster of Magic, Lucius as always was his right hand man. His inner circle of his Knights were his entourage, keeping him and his family protected no matter what. The lower ranked knights were released from their duties, but would answer should their lord ask for their aid. Tom spear headed a lot of the work, using the laws and plans Harry had provided. Harry even gave him a special map of Wizarding Britain that kept track of his family and the Knights so he knew where they were with color coordinated dots that told him what was going on and how best to handle the situation.

Red dots were violent crimes and if they involved a Creature, a symbol representing the type of Creature was provided and allowed him to best arrange how to handle it with Amelia, who had one of a similar make in her office. Harry realized that the Maps were too dangers to allow free access to like the Marauder's map was, telling you everyone and everything in an area at any given time. However Remus and Sirius, who opened up a small shop where they make the maps and key them to specific needs and families so they can keep track of their loved ones helped them lose less children in the Floo Network They were so popular they were opening up branches around the world where they can Floo in and to drop off the maps, haggle over a costume made one, with obvious limitations and with a few runes and spells from Harry's darker spells collection, made it impossible for someone to steal their work or break into the spell work to tamper with them.

Yellow dots were diseases, treatable ones, that infect who communities, St. Mungo's and all the other Hospitals had similar maps keyed only to medical emergencies with various alarms to let the healers know that there was an emergency, one and two what to prepare for. The Hospital maps had their own color system ranging from minor to national threat levels of emergencies. Orange were diseases that have no treatment yet and a black for deadly viral infections. They always keep an eye for those, never wanting to get complacent. Blue dots showed where the Aurors were stationed, while purple dots would blink in and out as moderate crimes while dark blue were minor crimes like using magic in a no magic zone, vandalism or even a bar brawl.

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