A Wizard to Manage; To the Honored Dead

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER VII *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry rode behind Legolas as Gimli sat behind Boromir, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Haldir rode their own horses as Fenrir raced beside them in wolf form, the LeStrange's flew over head in a strange form of apparation and levitation mixed to form a smoky cloud that engulf them. Severus had brought out a pitch black broom upon which he flew, keeping level with Harry, the pair chattering about potions, funeral rites and the situation back home. They rode for nearly a week, traveling over the plains of Rohan, stopping to let the horses rest and to sleep for a few short hours.

The Fellowship could hardly be blamed for their eagerness to be reunited with the youngest Hobbits. Though Gandalf has tried to assuage their fears and worry, but ultimately his words have fallen on deaf ears. The terrain soon changed to something somewhat swampy, the suddenly knee deep water having startled them as they trotted into the remains of Isengard. The Tower now a smoking ruin as Ents all milled about, moving debris and tending the earth once more to regrow what had been lost because of the madness of the former White Wizard.

“Ah, welcome, my lords and lady to Isengard!” The Hobbits cheered, sitting on a high wall smoking and enjoying some hard earned spoils.

“What is this!? A merry chase you two have sent us on, indeed!” Gimli shouted sounding quite flabbergasted and annoyed. “Having us believe you've been killed or tortured and yet here we find you, smoking and feasting!”

“We, my dear Master Dwarf, are sitting on the thrones of Victory and are enjoying a few well earned spoils of war! And might I add that the salted pork is quite delicious!” Merry chuckled, holding up the wrapped package.

“Salted pork, you say?” Gimli murmured, licking his lips in hunger as Legolas laughed and Harry sighed, jumping down from his perch to go up to the two Hobbits.

“Well come now, we've been so worried for you!” He held up his hands and caught Pippin who happily jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Hello Pip, are you alright? Where you hurt at all, do I need to resurrect those damned Uruks just so I can kill them again?”

The sudden dark tone he took startled them all, but Pippin only nuzzled closer as Merry joined him, Harry holding the pair with relative ease. They promised him that other then a fright or three, they've been mostly unharmed, that no he did not need to take revenge for them. But if they asked for Harry to sleep with them that night, that was their business and no one else's. Harry moved to the horses and handed Pippin to Boromir as Merry was given over to Aragorn.

“Ahh.... Young master Gandalf...” one of the Ents breathed out in happiness, this shocked those around them. Few know that Gandalf has been around since the dawn of the Elves, and yet this Ent had called him YOUNG! They must be infants in comparison then.

“Hello Treebeard.... redecorating I see...” Gandalf chuckled.

“Tree and bush, rock and stone.... I can manage, however...” Treebeard turned to the tower with a displeased frown. “There is a wizard to be managed here... Locked inside his tower, trapped and there he will remain...” He nodded decisively

“Well, I will allow it, but first we have much to speak about with him and he has many crimes to recompense for...” Gandalf agreed easily enough.

Up on the tower at the very top was Saruman, looming over them. Grima could be seen hiding behind him, the man's pale face paling even further as he caught sight of the strange child that had bested him.

“My lord, it is him! The child!” He hissed out in a squeaky voice.

“Ah... the strange Wizard and Gandalf the Gray...” Saruman laughed, a maddened and lustful look filling his eyes. “Come, let us break bread and speak, young one...”

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