The Interview

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XIII *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry had finally stopped teasing and baiting the news hounds, having popped up in several locations, letting people see him and talking to a few as well. The letters that Sirius was getting from the Order were quite informative and even a little funny. Sirius and Remus (though it galled them something fierce) had rejoined the Order of the Phoenix as secret spies for Harry and the Dark Sect. Severus was a double spy in both camps, though he was not always privy to all meetings on both sides since he also had his own duties as a professor and the Head of Slytherin House.

Tom has been most kind in sending them reports and letters, those he trusts implicitly were allowed to write to him as well and report, ask for help or suggestions. Bellatrix loved the fact that her lord asked her and her boys to keep an eye on Harry, since they lived in the same house, it made her job quite easy. Though right now she was overseeing several House Elves cleaning up one of the Potter town houses just out of the mainstream part of London in a nice quiet little neighborhood.

They were getting it set up for the interview since Grimmauld Place was soon going to be opened up for Order meetings and his godfathers did not want the old coot to be so close or to have easy access to Harry. Legolas liked the lighter and much more cozy feel of the Potter town house vs the darker and closed feeling of Grimmauld Place. He enjoyed the company of the others, but the feel of the house did not always sit well with the Elf Prince and it was beginning to take a toll upon him.

"Alright, that was the last of the work..." Bellatrix spoke up suddenly for a moment, almost startling Harry out of his thoughts.

"Then we're ready?" Sirius asked as he came in, holding a stack of boxes. "Remus and I got the stuff you asked for to make this place look like its been lived in for years. And we've talked to the paintings and portraits to lie their arses off to the Old Coot if he should somehow get in here, which I doubt will happen unless you invite him. Or he somehow finds this place and breaks through the barriers."

"Thank you, Siri and Remi!" Harry smiled at them as he quickly cleared up his books and papers. He had been going over all the paperwork from Griphook and his team of Goblins while the others got the place set up since they didn't want him using his magic just yet.

Even after finding out that Death removed any and all tracers from Harry, his magic and all his belongings, not just his wand, they still wanted to be careful. It was paranoia, something that Sirius and Bellatrix still suffered from after their short stay in Azkaban and its lovely host of Dementors. Remus and Rudo agreed that it was best to let the two Blacks get it out of their system, it meant one less headache later on down the road. Bastan just did what needed to be done and if he vanished for a few hours to get away from his sister in-law and her cousin, Harry didn't blame him.

Legolas came into the room, dressed in one of his best clothes from Arda. The starlight silver and blue tunic with matching leggings were startling, but beautiful. His mythril circlet sat upon his brow as his hair hung completely braid free.

"Will this do?" He asked them as they gaped. Harry had seen this outfit during Aragorn's coronation and smiled softly.

"It's perfect. It states your status perfectly without being overly flashy." Harry smiled. "Now then what are those boxes?"

"Ah, right..." Sirius tapped them with his wand and they began unpacking themselves. Books, linens, pots, pans and food items began to fly out of them and putting themselves away all over the house. "Since you are clearly an adult and have been for sometime, and I know that Leggy over there would rather have sex with an Orc than willingly harm you, I thought it best to let you live here permanently or until you find a better house."

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