The Aftermath; The Marriage

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ Chapter XXIX ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry sat at the edge of Hedwig's nest, Tarian was sitting on his golden perch over his mate. She was preening away at the praise that Harry was giving her as they waited for the eggs to finally hatch. She checked frequently, fussing at the ruby and gold flecked eggs. She settled again for only a second before she was jumping up with a startled bark and then chirping excitedly, nothing but nonsense to Harry due to excitement and nervousness. Tarian croons softly, encouraging. There are 7 eggs and they are all shaking, slowly gaining strength as the faint sounds scratching can be heard and finally a crack in an egg appears.

“Come on, little one. You only need a little more and you can greet the world...” Harry coos, Hedwig nodding her head, chirping her own encouragement.

It takes only a handful of minutes, but it feels like hours before the first of 7 hatches. The chick is covered in pink and black quills, the eyes are still shut, blind for a few more days yet. Hedwig quickly goes to gently clean her child, regurgitating some food for them as another soon pops out quickly followed by another. Harry giggles as they little chicks all chirp up a storm, curious and hungry. Tarian carefully jumps down to help his mate, who nuzzles him, cooing at him seductively and Harry blushes hotly at what passes for a bird's pick up line. Tarian puffs his chest out, looking heatedly at Hedwig.

“No.” Harry states firmly. “You can wait until these guys at least have down and are a bit mobile before you decide to do the nasty again.” He tells them.

Hedwig gives him the stink eye, but she knows he is right. She can calm her ovaries long enough to make sure her perfect babies grow nice and strong. Harry watches on a while more until all seven have been born, fed and are now tucked under their father, who produces more heat than their mother, so they will be nice and warm. Hedwig gives Tarian a final nuzzle and a birdie kiss before she takes off to hunt for both of them and for the babies. Harry knows that for the first year there will be weekly burns for those who show the Phoenix trait more than the others, but if what Mr. Scamander told him, he doesn't not need to worry about the non Phoenix babies getting hurt due to the burns, if anything it would be good for them as well as their siblings. Tarian would be due to burn in about three months, which will really help the chicks since his ashes hold more nutrients.

He bids Tarian a goodbye, chuckling as he heads down to his bedroom where Legolas is reading on the bed.

“We have 7 hybrids! 7 is a very powerful number, I wonder if it will give the babies more strength and luck?”

“Oh, how were Fawkes and Hedwig?”

“Hedwig tried to seduce Tarian into getting her with chick again... stop laughing you bastard!” Harry growls when his mate bleats loudly in laughter. When he doesn't stop, Harry tries to smother him, growling about finding a better mate...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

The recovery was slow as was expected, but because a good chunk of the ground work was done before the Battle of Hogwarts. So Harry walked into the Wizengamont to finish arranging the last few laws, sub-laws and bylaws, the articles and sections that would lock everything in place for hopefully the next 1000 years, as long as idiots don't try and fuck with his hard work. There was also the trials of the too few Dumbledore supports left as well as taking care of some of the Ministry garbage as well. So when he walked into the Wizengamont chambers, he was reasonably annoyed to see one of Fudge's stooges sitting in the Minister's box.

“Ah, the traitor has finally deigned to join us! Aurors, arrest him!” the man yells, Umbridge at his side smiling meanly.

Harry actually blinks in shock, because he honestly forgot about the bitch and that she was still alive. She was almost anorexic thin, her skin sallow and like brittle parchment. It looked translucent in some spots too. The woman was ready to collapse dead at any moment, but my god is she stubborn in her beliefs! Oh well, he did promise to rip her heart out and he's gonna do just that at the first chance he gets. He merely cocks a brow at the two fools who work for Fudge, who glares at him.

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