The End of the Final Battle; He was only a Man

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ CHAPTER XXVIII ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

“Avada Kedavra...”

A flash of green...

A scream...

The world was still, everyone frozen as they watched. Harry clawed his way out, breaking free when Aldeztaile's body was lifted enough, and ran for Legolas. He was still breathing, just rapidly and his eyes wide in shock as he stared at the 6ft long black blade that absorbed all light. It crackled with the remnants of the Killing curse before that too was absorbed.

“That was rude.” Mors growls, flicking his scythe deftly once and slamming the butt into the floor and leaning on it, arms crossed and a fierce glare in his visible eye.

“Who the fuck are you!?”

“I go by many names, I have many faces, I'm seen and yet unseen. I am always beside you, I walk with you, follow you and lead you. Sometimes I save your like an Angel, other times I push you right into harm's way. I have no beginning and I have no end. I am always constant...” He purrs out, lips pulling into a terrifying grin as his mortal form flickers out of sight for a second as his voice echoes around them, through them, in them:


Everyone gasps at the rattle of power deep in the marrow of their bones, in the essence of their souls. And they knew nothing but fear and the iciness of death set deep inside.

“In other words, I am Honesta Mors, I believe you have threatened to kill me twice already for 'ruining your precious weapon,' was it?” Mors muses, cocking his head to the side. “So rude, you know...”

“He tried to kill Legolas, Papa.... He's mine...” Harry snarls, eyes laser focused and unblinking in their unholy glow. He is crouched protectively over his Alpha, who in turn is slowly getting over his shock. “He killed Aldez!!!”

“Very well... I will allow you your pound of flesh as long as you leave his soul intact... I know you can be very vicious when you are pushed...” He agrees and pushes off his scythe, grabbing it. “But now, I fight...”

He moved too fast to be seen, he sliced through 150 people in one swing and they collapsed dead, shock and horror on their faces as he collects their souls.

“1,258 down... too many more to go...” He sighs and spins his blade. This awakens the others and they rush in, never faltering.

The war began in earnest. There was no longer time to dive in and out. That had been too close and Aldeztaile had been gutted before she could really level the playing field. Harry was pissed off for her death as well. She was this weird snaky mommy he never asked for, but enjoyed having.

“You killed my snake...” Harry snarls, pulling out the Elder wand and twirling it. “You tried to kill my mate...” He stalks forward, eyes blazing like purple hellfire, “You set up not only my parents but many others to be killed for your personal gain... For these crimes, your life is forfeit and I will collect...”

“You are a Devi! You cannot possibly attack me, your very nature makes you weak, pathetic!!” Dumbledore cackles out, ignoring the slowly creeping terror filling him. “Your kind is meant to be ruled! You crave the command of an Alpha and I shall be the one to have you!”

Harry glares at him, holds the Wand before his face and smirks when Dumbledore realizes it is the Elder Wand. He calmly flicks it and it grows with each twirl until it stands taller than him, 12 holes where the elderberry knots had been. Suddenly 12 orbs of light shot at the staff, anyone who did not get out of the way in time, got smashed in the face with one of the 12 Devi Treasures. Fire, Water Earth and Air locked into the staff in the center with a space between them. Light and Dark took the top and bottom, with a space clear beside them as well. The 6 main elementals were locked in and Harry could feel the Elder Wand, now staff, pulse with unparalleled power, but still there were six more to go. The Nature and Lightning orbs lock into place beside the Earth and Wind Orbs while Nether and Comic settle beside Light and Dark. The last ones to the party are Sound and Astral, taking their places by Water and Fire.

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