Happy Birthday Harry!

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XV *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry chuckled softly, It was now halfway through the summer, his 17th birthday(Death froze Harry's life span for the war so that the plans that had been long since planned did not fall to pieces) being the biggest celebration he's ever had and Death surprised him by having the Portkey rings sent to the other Members of the Fellowship and the other many friends that Harry had made. So could you imagine, waking up on your birthday to a seemingly empty house and walking downstairs to get some breakfast only to be surprised by a literal battalion of people!?

Harry's scream of terror, quick reflexes and various screams of fright, shock and pain could almost be heard outside of the wards! When he calmed his heart and saw who was there and what he did, he burst into laughter until he nearly peed himself.

For the natives of this world: Sirius, Remus, Severus, Tom, Bellatrix, Rudolphus, Rabastan, Xeno, Luna, and the Weasley Twins. The others couldn't come since they haven't gotten to know Harry well yet. As for those visiting from Arda: Aragorn, Arwen, Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry, Gimli, Haldir, Gandalf, Boromir and Theodred, Eomer, Eowyn and Faramir, Lord Elrond and King Thranduil. Legolas didn't count for either group, but he was there as well.

Now what had Harry laughing so hard was that the spells he used were mostly jinxes. Severus had been hit with a gender switching spell, and Tom was rubbing a hand print shaped mark on his face. The twins were turned to turtles and trapped on their backs, while Boromir and Faramir were now neon green and yellow with purple polka dots. They all looked so hilarious!

"Fin- Finite!!" He barely wheezed out, canceling all spells and trying to get his laughter under control.

"Alright, so in the future no more surprise parties, or at least have a wall of Protego at the ready..." Sirius said, after he got over his own laughing fit.

"Severus, I am sorry! I only squeezed to see if they were real! Besides you make a very beautiful woman-- ouch!" Tom yelped when he was slapped again, this time by his very male (minus the girly bits) husband.

"Just stop talking, or you might have to somehow figure out how to get yourself pregnant at the rate you're going, my lord." Rudo advised.

"Oh my god, that was a good laugh! Thank you so much for coming and sorry about the spell fire! Just be glad it was all prank spells and not something more deadly." Harry apologized, but the grin on his face said he was hardly repentant.

"Your world is most strange, laddie!" Gimli grunted, even if he was awed and amused. "Legolas says there is a spell you used to allow him to communicate with your people. Will you use it on us?"

"Of course! I would go mad playing translator all day long!" Harry laughed teasingly and gathered the Arda group together and with a lazily twirl and flick of his wrist, he tapped each member on the throat and smiled. "That should do it."

"You sure, lad-- well Mahal's hammer!" Gimli laughed joyfully.

"Amazing...." Elrond murmured, even as he touched his throat, feeling the quickly fading tingles of Harry's magic.

"Happy Birthday, Hadrian and it is good to see you again." Gandalf pulled the young man into his arms and hugged him firmly. "May I perhaps stay awhile, I am most curious about your world and magics..."

"I don't know, I could ask Papa Mors, but its up to him." Harry told them. "Besides you all can't vanish from Arda, your people need you."

Gandalf hummed as he pulled away from the hug, allowing the Hobbits to tackle Harry with a cry of 'For the Shire!' as they mock wrestled with him. Harry giggled and squeaked as they played, the Hobbits quickly realizing he was ticklish and went in for the kill.

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