The Aftermath: a History Lesson

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XXII *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry quickly made it to his Alter room, the walls were deep sheets of smooth onyx, obsidian, and volcanic ash, dusted in diamond dust, crushed moonstones and Persephone Pearls made up the constellations. The alter was pure white and made from a multitude of bones with the a statue of a tall being, draped in cloth of shadow and darkness, a tall staff with a simple, but still menacing scythe blade at the end held in one hand the other held out as if waiting for payment. The room was lightless and yet because of the materials that absorbed and amplified magic, the room glowed like the night sky. It was as if he were walking in outer space. The floor was sunken in and filled up to the ankles with an inky black substance that felt like water, but was clearly not.

He summoned the Oldest House Elf, Humming, who brought him the Book of Ages and he waves a hand at it, which causes the book to open to the exact page he needs.

“Humming, I need the ingredients, hurry.” He orders and the old Elf pops a way, not even a full second after he left he appears again with the items.

Harry cuts, crushes and mixes them, pouring them into the basin carved into the alter before carefully adding Phoenix tears, a piece of Dementor cloak, blood of a newborn Unicorn freely given and a whole Basilisk fang as he recites ancient rites. The Statue comes to life and the bony hand reaches for a goblet made from a skull and dips it into the concoction and brings it back as Death in his summoned form takes it and drinks the offering. He appeared like a demonic version of Harry, dressed in solid black and extremely pale.


“Dumbledore made his move.... He grabbed me and I could not move, it was as if my magic was turned against me. It was like it was trying to suppress me... I- I al- almost wanted to do as he wished of me.... it was almost visceral in its intensity!” Harry tells him with fear evident in his voice and Death crushes the goblet as he walks through the Alter and grabs the same wrist that Dumbledore had and growls.

“That will simply not do....” He snarls and for a moment an enslavement contract band appears, only partially formed and quickly losing whatever ground it had gained due to the the sheer amount of protections and Harry's own devastating power.

If the old fool had placed it closer to Hadrian's mind or heart/Core, he might had succeeded in enslaving the young man. However, Death was thankful for small mercies. He might have showed a little mercy to Dumbledore, but now that chance as flown out the window. Death was a cruel monster when he wanted to be and the fool dared to harm his child, his Master! The binding strains under Death's touch and ire, wriggling in its death throes before it shatters a moment later and in its place is a blood red Curse band that absorbs with one that shined with Lady Magic's power. They absorb into his skin, but he can feel it still, a warm comfort and protection.

“Ah, your mother's love is till so strong... now the next time he touches you with any intent not wholesome, he will pay dearly, but not instantly. Oh no, death is too good for him.. I think an eternity of suffering is more than fair, do you not agree, my son?”

“I don't care.... I just want this over with.... Now.” Harry growls out, but leans on Death in thanks. “Papa... I've... I've never felt this scared before... I don't like it.”

“It happens, you are mortal even if you are immortal... your mortality is what makes you humans so interesting and fun... and it is because you are such a strong, caring person, I chose you as my master... Now then, Magic says thank you for the wonderful gift and sends this...” He places a ring that looks like Hecate's Wheel on his left index finger and with it he feels Lady Magic and Her power.

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