Debut and the Will Reading

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XVIII *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Legolas woke early, blinked and smiled at Hadrian sleeping safely and contentedly beside him. These last few months had been a strange adventure and last night exposed a part of his future mate that had not been seen before. If it had, it had been so minimal that one would have missed it or they were too hard pressed fighting the enemy, trying to keep their friends safe and sound. He gently touched his cheek, smiling as Hadrian cooed in contentment, snuggling closer. He kissed his brow and whispered in his ear that he would be back in time for breakfast, a sleepy murmur his only response.

Getting dressed, making sure to put his armor on under his school robes, he grabbed his things, placed the wooden crown over his brow and leaving the room, the Lovers interlocking themselves and securing the room without needing an order to do so, their mother, Hogwarts locking the room tight to keep one of her Heirs safe and sound. The Elf walked down the halls, quick and silent as he went, he had his knives and daggers on his person, hidden and ready to use at the first sign of danger. He closes his eyes as he lets his mind blank and follows the pull towards where he sensed the danger.

He slipped out of the main doors, heading down to the lake and slowly wandering his way around it to a cave that at first glance looks small, but as he slips in he knows it's much bigger than he thought. He opened his eyes and looks at the cave that reminded him of the Goblin mines of Arda, the stench certainly wasn't that much different. He walked into the cave and felt a cool presence suddenly appear at his side and turned his head slightly to see Mors in his human persona walking amiably beside him.

"You wanted me to find this..." He stated, calmly holding his dagger handle as he kept walking forward.

"I placed it here so it would not cause issues at the school. And to piss off a certain old billy goat." he grinned evilly.

"Ah, then I'm more than happy to end it twice over..." Legolas growled in dark pleasure.

They arrived in an inner chamber that was clearly warded by Mors to keep the Giant trapped. This one was older, battle scarred and deformed.

"He's also a cannibal... devoured his children and mate and devastated two whole towns. Dumbledore had brought him to Hogwarts to attack the children and force Hadrian to fight it, to test his skills and resolve. As well as to damage Hadrian's standing on Creature Neutrality, to prey on the Sheeple's fears and anxieties to further his 'Greater Good.' But as you can clearly see, I did not allow that. I was not about to let innocent children die before their time." Mors said, leaning on the wall to the side of the inner entrance.

"...I want that old fraud's head on a golden pike." Legolas growled as he weaved his hand, a spell on his tongue to make a great golden wood bow and white Mistletoe Arrows that had their heads coated in the poisonous berry's juices as he took aim and fired at the raging creature's eyes and one into its mouth when he had a clear enough shot for it.

"Gold is too good for him. Make it Fool's gold, it's just as gaudy." Mors snickered out darkly as he enjoyed watching the monster flail as it was shot again and again until it tripped and fell, impaling its self on a stalagmite, dying soon after, "Ah... good... Thank you for your help..."

"Not to be rude or to question things I ought not, but could you not have killed it yourself?" Legolas wondered.

"I could have, but then I wouldn't have the lovely gift you gave to me by killing it in defense of not only of your Omega, but also the defense of over 1000 innocent children. While you have little magic, you do have it still and you are slowly growing stronger while learning here and flexing your magic often. You did not even realize you conjured the Giant Slayer's Bow." He pointed at the large golden bow in Legolas' hand. "Nor did you realize you used a plant that represents both Life and Death, Love and Hate. Mistletoe is seen as a warding plant against evil and a kiss under it is not only a sign of love but a kiss of Life. It is also deadly to eat and is a favored poison to give to your enemies under the pretense of friendship and wishing them good health."

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