I didn’t say anything else after that, I just enjoyed sitting there. I talked about everything I could think of.

But I didn’t talk about me.

I sighed. “You know what everyone says when they see me now? ‘Blond hair!’ yup! Red hair is long gone. Also, I tried controlling my anger, I mean I still broke a lot of plates and things but instead of breaking ten plates every two days, I broke like… three a week.” I touched the stone, lightly. “I miss you so much mom. Everyone do.” With that I stayed for like another hour before I stood up and left the place.

I felt really happy when I left, but my smile and happiness vanished the moment I saw Adam standing near the gates.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. He stopped me by my hand. I glared at him. “Okay, okay. I know, I made a huge mistake, I shouldn’t have scared your dog, but you know how much I hate dogs!” I raised my eyebrow.

“And you know how much I hate cats, and you still bring yours!” I glared at the stupid cat that was walking beside him.

Gosh how much I hate it.

He sighed and ran his other hand through his hair. “I’m really sorry.” His eyes were sincerely sorry, and for a second I didn’t found a reason to why I should be really mad at him.

We fought like kids.

I looked away. “I’m sorry too.” He smiled.

“Good.” A smile brightened his face. “My mom wants to see you-“

I shook my head with widened eyes. “Hell no! I’m not going to see your mom!” He raised his eyebrow.


“Are you serious? Last time she talked endlessly about ‘our future babies’. She looked like she was going to go straight to the store and buy their stuff.”

“Do you hate babies?” He blinked a few times as if he didn’t understand my point.

“Kind of but that’s not the point. She scared me for life. I guess she ships us way too much.” We started walking.

“It’s not like we wouldn’t have babies at all.” He murmured with a scowl. But I acted as if I didn’t hear him.

 “Did you say something?” He shook his head with a fake smile. While we were walking silently, his cat jumped on me, and bit my finger before running away. “Ouch!” I looked down my finger with a pained expression. What the hell?

After staring at my finger for a while, I knew why it did that. “The ring.”

“Are you alright?” He looked at worriedly. I snapped my head at him.

“It took my freakin’ ring!” Horror covered his face as he looked back to where his cat ran. It stopped a little far from us.

“Jodie. Wait!” He ran after it. I frowned.

“What?” He stopped, and gulped.

“What, What?” He looked at me innocently.

“You just called my name.” He looked away, making me narrow my eyes.

“What are you talking about?” He laughed weirdly, and cleared his throat. He was seriously the worst liar ever.

Did he just call his cat my name?

“Ada-“He suddenly ran away, following the cat. I blinked a few times trying to understand what just happened.

He named his cat after me!

That damn ugly cat!

I bit my lip really hard and followed him.

I was going to kill him.

                                         ○                                               ○                                         ○

                                                  Next Chapt- bleeeh jk ♥ 

                                             This is the end, huh? xD 

I hope you have liked this story, and enjoyed it as much as i did with writing it. I feel like i've been living with Adam and Jodie for like one year, and then i moved out. :/  

But I'm happy that I was able to finish this story, It feels like I actually accomplished something 


Anyway, I've been wanting to tell you about my new story. It will be called Memory Phone  It's a Romance/Action kind of story.

Here is the summary [I'm gonna change it later.] 

Memories, memories, memories, memories.

Close your eyes and imagine how much memories your brain can hold. It can hold an uncountable number of memories that you might not be aware of.

But from time to time, memories can be lost, and distort in any way, and that, wasn’t what she wanted or how she was taught. She was taught that memories are, indeed, a treasure.

So what did she do?

She kept them in her phone.

But even a simple treasure as that, can be a deadly weapon. 

 I know the summary is pretty bad, but I had no idea what to write, because i didn't want to show you a lot ♥  [ the cover on the side ]

                          Thank you so much for everything ♥ 

                         [psst Jodie and Adam are waving] 

                                     Vote . Comment . Enjoy


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