Declaration Of War

Start from the beginning

"H- hey now!" The leaders all jumped up. Izuku slammed down the blade.


The sheer force of the hit dug the blade deep into the marble of the table, cracks fanning out from it. The blade had struck directly into the middle of the paper, penetrating the marble. The metal of the blade rang, a ring similar to that he heard in Tartus flooding the room before fading out. Izuku lifted his hand, the force of the strike breaking the actual blade, leaving just the hilt in his hand and the blade in the table.

Izuku ignored the shock wave that went through his hand when he did that. He held out his hand over the middle of the round table and dropped the hilt. *CL- CLACK* It fell into the hole in the middle of the table. Izuku put his head down. A chuckle escaped his lips.

"Heh heh heh... you've really done it now... This could have gone so much differently. I had truly hoped that no more blood would have had to have been spilled." He looked up. "I don't care if you sign this or not but this is our Declaration of War, verbally..."

His eyes looked at every single leader in that room.

He pressed the button in his pocket and a warp gate opened behind him and the Lights.

"... Every single drop of blood, every single life lost, is on your hands."

Izuku and the Lights turned and left through the warp gate.


The President of the United States swallowed thickly. He stared at the massive crack in the marble, fanning out from the point of the blade that was still in the table.

No quirk. Nothing to enhance his strength. That was full, brute force. That kid just cracked a marble table by simply stabbing it with a knife using nothing to help him. A monster. That's all it could be. The President felt his body shake. The Japanese Prime Minister stood and made his way around the table, taking the paper and sliding it up, releasing it with the blade still in the table. He turned and read over it. He looked up with a face less than excited.

"I fear that we have just made a terrible mistake."


Izuku exited the warp gate visibly shaking in anger, as were the Lights. "Sorry, Jester," he growled. The ginger huffed. "Don't worry about it. It was worth it."

He turned to Anima. "Go get Ruske. The rest of you, gather the warehouses. Now." They all nodded sharply. "Yes, Chief Deku."

He was seething in anger.

He watched as the members filtered in, each one with a stern face knowing that he had just come back from the Round Table Conference and with that came the inevitable. There was no laughter, no smiles, only the thick anticipation of what to come. Ruske came running up the stage

"Chief," he greeted hastily, "what do you need?"

"The camera's and computer," he replied. "We are live streaming to the website."

"Now? You told the other leaders it would be a bit lat-"

Izuku lowered his sunglasses just a bit so Ruske and Ruske alone could see his eyes. They met eyes and Ruske gulped. "Now." Ruske nodded. "Yes, Chief Deku!" He dashed off, soon returning with the setup and put it together as the Lights were just returning to the stage to stand behind Izuku. Izuku turned to them and shook his head. "Nuh-uh, you guys are standing beside me this time. Circle up! Or, half-circle, at least." The Lights grinned and stepped into a slightly curved line, all of them now facing the camera. Izuku waited for the last of the members to file in.

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