Declaration Of War

Start from the beginning

The leaders seemed shocked by his long-winded response, obviously thinking that he would not refute so sternly.

"You think that because I am young and naive I can't see through you?" Izuku's tone dropped several octaves. "I saw through it instantly. Of course, you would put up these 'safety measures' but do nothing to enforce them and while you were at it, you were planning on 'appeasing' the Quirkless Rejects and hope for the disbandment of them. What about after that? Are our members supposed to just go back to their families and lives they have left for this cause? No. You will then take them in as villains and criminals. You know, people used to say that if I did have a quirk it would by an abnormally high IQ. But I don't have one, I am simply not blind." Izuku slammed his fist on the table. "I'm not blind to all of your motives. You all just want to save your good names and faces. Save your reputations. I am not blind to the world, not anymore."

Izuku took a deep breath.

"I'll give you our offer now. In between Japan and North America, there is an island that belongs to North America but no one inhabits it. We want to make a safe haven for the quirkless and rejected population. We want to start our own country." He watched the faces of the leaders contort in shock. "We want that island to start a country, help with the build-up, and a promise of protection from the Round Table that they will not attack or harm it. It will be solely for our kind."

The President stood sharply. "You want us to give you our land just like that!? We won't just give it away without a cost!"

Izuku grinned under the mask. "Do you want to know the price we are willing to pay?"

The President narrowed his eyes. "I would."

"The promise of not killing off each and every one of your military forces and the safety of your own head."

It took everything in Izuku not to laugh at the President's face as he processed the death threat Izuku just placed over the President's entire county and his own life. Izuku turned to the other leaders. "Of course, that means your respective countries as well and your lives with them."

"Hey now," the Prime Minister's voice shook "If I didn't know better, I would have thought that you just made a death threat on the whole world." Izuku tilted his head. "I did, Prime Minister."

"You don't have the power to do th-"

"Are you sure?" Izuku grinned. "You would be surprised at just how far our influence has reached. We have every means of going through with that threat."

Silence lulled in the air.

One of the leaders nudged the President. "Just give them the island."

"I will not!" the President declared.

"It is for the best!"

"It is giving in to their tricks and ploys. I think they are bluffing! America will not stand down against such a weak bluff! We know very well what it means to fight for freedom but we also have a very thin line of what that is. We will not bow down to live in fear of these villains!"

Izuku grabbed Jester's arm in a stiff grip as the ginger reacted to that word.

Still, that didn't mean that Izuku would stand for it either.

He stood sharply. "I would refrain from using that vulgar word to describe us."

The President glared at them. "I will not. Villains that are terrorizing the world, you are terrorists!"

Izuku's sunglasses turned angry fast. The other Lights stood. Izuku held out his hand.

"Jester, knife." A command, not a request. The security guards in the room whipped out their guns and readied their quirks as Jester pulled a knife out of his holster and placed it in Izuku's hand. Izuku raised it high into the air, hilt in hand, blade pointing down.

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