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Chapter 16

Cassidy's POV:

The ride to Jason's house was exhausting. I never knew that by simply being in a car for such a long period of time can drain you out so drastically. Besides the point of the drive being tiring, Jason was so excited for no apparent reason. I think it's kind of funny because it reminds me when we were kids he was always the hyper one.

His mom would always complain that he was a big ball full of energy to which I'm assuming he still is. He still looks the same but obviously he had puberty and it did him a favor. When we were 6 years old he was so scrawny, I mean the kid was more bones than meat. In comparison to now he has way more meat.

He pulls into the driveway and parks, "Here we are home sweet home." He says and gets out of the car. I didn't really pay much attention to what he was doing, while I was just too mesmerized by the beautiful houses.

I hear him clear his throat which brought me out of my thoughts, and that's when I noticed that he already had my bag and was holding the door open. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment that I probably looked stupid just staring at houses.

"Yes you did." He laughs.

Oh my god did I really say that out loud?

"Yes C, you did. Now come on knucklehead the foods ready and I'm ready to eat." He whines.

I roll my eyes at him and get out of the car. All I can think of is what a drama queen he is.

"I heard that woman. Gosh keep your thoughts to yourself." He holds his hand over his heart as if he is offended. I roll my eyes playfully.

I remember when we were kids he was way more dramatic. This one time we were playing soccer where I had pushed him slightly before I had scored a goal and you want to know what he did? As soon as I had pushed him and scored, Jason fell on the ground faking an injury, and boy was he really good at it. If it were a real game I would've gotten a yellow card from the referee, but we were playing with other friends. And my mum was the referee so I had a perk. Those were the good old days...

Shaking my head from those thoughts as we made our way to the door. He proceeds to open the door and holds it wide for me. Once I walk through the doorway, my nose is engulfed with a strong aroma of delicious food. As if it were on cue my stomach growled, my eyes went wide open and felt my cheeks burning up. I mean how could I not, it's embarrassing.

"You must be very hungry," He laughed at me and I just punched his arm. He raises his arms up in surrender and I laugh at him too, "Okay okay, come on follow me." He nudges his head towards where I assume is the kitchen.

There's a woman with her back turned away from us which I'm assuming she's cooking. Her brown wavy hair cascades midway down her periwinkle off the shoulder blouse and washed out jeans. If you listen close enough you can hear her softly singing as she dances a little.

I can see the amusement Jason has on his eyes as he approaches her. Once he's standing right behind her lifting his arms up ready to attack. He places his hands on her shoulder shaking her a bit when he yells out, "We're home!"

She turns around drastically fast and gives Jason the death glare. He begins to run away, but that was already too late for that because she had grabbed him from his ear.

"Nice try honey, but you know better than to mess with me especially whenever I'm cooking." She raises her eyebrow at him and he gives her an apologetic smile nodding his head. Once she releases him her attention goes to me and she just stares at me. I can see her eyes begin to water, but the look on her face is what really caught my attention it's almost like she's seeing a ghost. I start to feel uncomfortable under her gaze and shuffle around a bit to see if she would catch on the hint, which she does as she shook her head making herself get out of the trance she was in.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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The Hushed One (Discontinued For Now)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ