You talked!

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Chapter 8

Cassidy's POV:

After eating dinner, Stacey seemed to be comfortable with me already. Since she practically drags me around every where. Oh and let me tell you, the girl can talk forever.

We are currently in the living room building a fort. She's bringing all the blankets and pillows from the closet while I'm rearranging or fixing whatever seems out of place.

Stacey comes back bouncing into the livingroom placing everything down next to the fort.

She picked up a bunch of pillows and was about to enter the fort to place them in there when she stood up quickly before running of upstairs.

"I have to go potty!" She yelled as she continued making her way up the stairs.

I chuckled and decided that we needed popcorn. Getting out of the fort and making my way to the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen I headed straight to the pantry, where Stacey had showed me it earlier in the afternoon.

Looking for the popcorn while humming a tune that my mum use to sing to me.

When I finally find them they are way high up. So it looks like I will need to jump for them.

After a while of me jumping, I was about to give up when I decided to give it one last shot at it.

I crouched down ready my position to jump when a voice startled me.

"You need any help with that." Eric said leaning against the door clearly amused.

I smiled sheepishly nodding my head.

He made his way towards me and that's when I realized that he's shirtless. I turn around so my back is towards him pointing at the popcorn so he can know where it is.

I feel a presence behind me telling me that he's near me. I keep my hand pointing directly at the location, not daring to look at him.

I see his hand reach to them but at the process of doing so his body pressed up against to mine causing me to gasp not audibly, at least I hoped not.

I could feel the heat radiating off of his body onto mine.

When he finally got them close enough to my level, I took the chance to snatch them out of his hand.

Turning around in place to move out of there giving him a small smile as I tried to leave but some how my feet weren't doing what I want them to. Key word tried.

For some reason they were glued to the floor. I was getting frustrated because by now I would look like an idiot just standing there making things more awkward than they're suppose to be.

I was expecting for him to leave by now but he stayed there staring at me. He lifted his hand up making me flinch at the movement of it.

I was waiting for the impact but it never came instead he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

I open my eyes slowly to look at him only to see hurt and worry in those grey eyes.

"You thought I was going to hit you, didn't you?" He whispered looking at me straight in the eyes wanting to see the truth.

I looked at him and brought my gaze to the floor before slowly nodding my head. I was ready for him to laugh at my face.

Instead I felt his hand go under my chin bringing my head up to look at him.

"I would never hurt you in any way or form, Cassidy." He whispered caressing my cheek wiping away the tears that I hadn't notice escaped my eyes.

I nodded my head attempting to smile at him but failed to do so. He pulled me into his chest hugging me tight, I stood there frozen for a bit before returning it.

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