Grey Eyes

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Chapter 2

Cassidy's POV:

The day has gone by more faster than usual which in my case it's not good. This will only lead me to get home and possibly find the devil himself there waiting with a stupid excuse to blame on me.

It's the last period of the day and I'm not really looking forward to getting home right away. I might just go to the public library on the way home so that way I can kill some time to do some homework.

School ends at 2:30 p.m. and my father doesnt come out of work until 6:00 p.m. therefore I can relax a bit in the library. Because who knows what will happen later on tonight, that's why I always prepare myself for when the time comes to go home. It's pretty hectic but I've been use to the daily beatings I get from my father.

I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts and focus on making my way to my last class of the day, Math.

As usual I go to my seat near the window at the back of the class and get settled in. I'm got here a bit too early but I don't mind.

I get out my sketch pad and begin drawing the first thing that comes to my mind. I love drawing, it takes my mind off things and sometimes when words can't explain how I feel, my drawings can. Drawing is like an escape from reality. It's the best way I could ever express myself.

I have been too into my drawing that I didn't hear when the bell rang. I quickly put my sketch pad away along with my color pencils and get out the stuff I will be needing for class.


The teacher was in the middle of teaching the lesson when I heard the classroom door bust open. I didn't bother to look in that direction and tried to focus on the notes I was writting down. While everyones head snapped in the direction of the door paying attention to whoever was there.

"You're late!" Ms. Scott scolded.

I move my head slightly just enough to peak at the person near the door. He rolls his eyes at our teacher walking up to her and handing her his schedule which I assume he's new here.

Ms. Scott looks at the paper in her hands and nods giving it back to him telling him to find a seat anywhere. She turned back around and continued on with the lesson.

I continued writting down the problem that she wrote on the board when I hear a chair scrapping on the floor from the desk next to me. I payed no attention to it and proceeded with what I was doing.

But that's when I started to think good at what was happening beside me.

Why was he sitting next to me of all places?

That's when I casually took a look around only to see that there are more empty seats along the classroom. But that still didn't answer my question of why he sat here. I know that for sure when he has friends he'll be sitting somewhere else. I would be more than happy, I'm use to sitting alone and I prefer to keep it that way.

Pretty soon the lesson was over and she handed us a worksheet to review of what we had just learned today.

I immediatly started on it once I got it. This was simple and easy. I was already halfway through when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I tensed up and turned to look at who tapped my shoulder.

When I fully turned to my right I completely forgot how to breathe. I knew it was the new kid because I haven't seen him before. He was something I haven't seen before. He had a beautiful tan, smooth light brown hair and his eyes. His eyes were mesmerising color, they were grey.

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