46; ♡ Back to Where it all Began.

Start from the beginning

“I bet you never lost your way to get here.” I murmured under my breath, and Adam laughed softly but didn’t say anything.

I breathed through my nose, trying to calm myself. I wasn’t feeling that crazy, but my heart seemed like it was shaking.

“Come on, let’s go, they are waiting.”

I frowned.


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Adam opened the door, leading me inside. I could hear voices coming from the living room, laughter, screaming, and cheering.

It all felt so warm that I had to shiver.

I entered the room that contained all these voices, and I was welcomed with a sight of at least ten people inside the small room. They were everywhere, surrounding a big TV. Some of them sat on the ground, the others stood near a table, holding their mugs, cheering loudly, screaming the names of the players that were playing in the game that was shown in the screen.

“Run, run!” An old man stood up suddenly, throwing his fist in the air, as if it would push the player faster, or maybe kill him. He was so into it that I thought his arm would fly off his body any second now.

The others repeated after him, and I felt the house shaking from all the shouting.

“Pretty loud, huh?” Adam smirked beside me, I frowned.

“Who are these?” He pointed at a nearby window.

“Our neighbors.” I blinked a few times. What? Their neighbors? I was kind of shocked because all the houses looked as if it was owned by gangsters.

“Oh, you came!” A cheerful voice appeared out of the blue. I turned around to find Adam’s mom holding two big glasses filled with unknown drinks.

Her smile could reach the sky, her eyes twinkled with genuine happiness, making me smile back warily.

Adam walked, taking the glasses from his mom and put them on the table. “I really wanted to see you again! You look so pretty.” She giggled, and for a second I totally forgot that she had three children.

This woman look so young.

“Brother!” Angela came running toward her brother. He crouched down and opened his arms to her. She laughed loudly as he held her high up. Just then, another guy joined in, he looked familiar and I knew that I met him before, but when, I had no idea.

He pushed away a guy playfully and walked toward Adam. He was almost the same height, if not taller. He had the same eyes as Adam and-

His eyes turned to me, and he blinked a few times before smiling at me. “Jodie, right?” Oh yeah, he was Adam’s brother that seemed a little creepy.

“Umm…” I tried remembering his last name but nothing came to me. It was something with a Z.

“Zak.” He said quietly, and I nodded. Yeah, Zak the killer.

Wow this family did have a lot of rumors around it.

“Great to see you again, glad that you came.” He patted my head, and I felt like a dwarf in front of him. That guy looked like a basketball player.

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