Chapter 6 : Fraternizing With The Enemy

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"Doesn't sound that bad to me..." I look over Rosie and Katie for confirmation and they shrug.

"Fine, 11 AM it is." Noah and Drake whoop.

"Hey guys! Why are you all so excited?" Sophia asks making her way to our table with Emma, Mia, Dasher, and Jacob in tow.

"Hey Soph! We were just planning the party and deciding the time we would meet. Apparently Drake and Noah don't wake up till after 10 AM so we extended the time. That is what has gotten them so excited." Katie answers. Soph and Dash chuckle while Mia and Jacob smirk.

"Hey! There is no harm in sleeping till after 10 AM if you have nowhere to go." Emma pouts. "By the way can we join you guys? After all we are going to spend a lot of time together." The boys look totally lost.

"Sure Em! But we haven't even tried out yet." Rosie says.

"Doesn't matter, of course you girls will be selected if your group dance at the talent show says anything." She says sitting down with the rest of them.

"Thanks for the faith Em." I say smiling at her.

"What tryouts?" Noah asks scrunching up his nose in confusion.

"The cheerleading tryouts of course, haven't they told you? I thought you were all friends?" Mia asks faking shock. That b*tch!

Dasher coughs uncomfortably as Sophia shoots Mia a look while Rosie, Katie and I glare at her. Jacob just sits indifferently.

"Cheerleading tryouts?" Justin says as if testing the words in his mouth.

"Charming, trust me we were going to tell you guys after planning the party. I say.

"Tiger, saying one line wouldn't have taken much time." Drake says. Mia smirks triumphantly.

"You guys are acting as if you need to keep track of everything we do." Katie says getting angry.

"I don't know about you all but I am really excited for them." Noah says and I shoot him a grateful look. "Who wouldn't want to see these hotties in those uniforms?" So much for being supportive.

"Charming, Draky Boy please hit him for me." I say

"Me two!" "Me three!" Rosie and Katie say simultaneously.

"Hey!..." Before he can say anything they start hitting him.

Then my eyes meet those stormy ones and they have something in them that I can't decipher. Then suddenly their owner smirks.

"You never striked me as the cheerleading type, pretty girl." He says.

"I don't seem as a lot of things but that doesn't mean I am not capable of them." I counter and he looks taken aback. Definitely he didn't expect the response. His eyes then get that searching look as if he is trying to understand me, what I am thinking.

"Well princess at least tell us when the tryouts will be so that we can support you girls." Justin says breaking my eye contact with Jacob. Thank God! If I had maintained it for even one more moment he would have found out everything about me - every last secret. Crazy I know, but that's how it felt.

"They are on Monday." I answer.

"Well sweetheart you girls can count on us to cheer the loudest for you all, get it cheering the loudest for cheerleaders." Noah grins.

"Yeah Goofy." I say shaking my head while chuckling. This boy...

Then we all fall into individual conversations and Drake doesn't utter a single word. I have to talk to him later. And on top of that I feel Jacob's stare on me the whole time but I don't give him the satisfaction by acknowledging him.

Smitten Anywayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें