Chapter XIV: Chunin Exam Finals

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"Hai." I gave a quick bow and teleported to Anko's side, she stiffened for a moment.

"Why'd you go to Hokage-sama and tell him something? What'd you say?" She inquired.

"Snake is disguised in sandy robes. Beside him. He needed to know. We are to watch out for suspicious people, I'll watch chakra, you watch behaviors. Maybe have someone else help as well if ya' want."

"Got it. I noticed a few odds before, some ANBU not familiar, a few civilians a bit too shinobi-like. Go back to the other contestants, don't waste too much chakra keeping watch."

"Mhm" I hummed absentmindedly, already sensing around.

I teleported back to Shikamaru's side and ignored the questioning glances I got, sitting on the ground with a palm on it for even more focus. I could sense every minuscule movement, the flares of chakra from not only Neji and Naruto, but people spread throughout the audience. Those certain people were all either from Suna or Oto, each village having a certain little difference in chakra.

Nevertheless, Naruto had just punched Neji under the chin, knocking him out, and winning the match via K.O. Next up was Sasuke against Gaara, however, since Sasuke was still gone it would be Shino vs Kankuro.

"Would Kankuro and Shino please come down to fight?" Genma asked.

"I forfeit." Kankuro's voice sounded out.

Shino's shoulder slumped a bit, probably the most expression I've seen from an Aburame, or ever will for that matter. Genma sighed and asked for "Temari no Subaku and Shikamaru Nara to come down to the arena." They both did so and the match started soon after.

I quit paying attention when I realised it was just Shikamaru waiting for the sun to go down a bit more so he could make his shadow longer. Besides I have no doubt he's gonna quit, for two reasons, one- he is lazy, two- his chakra is getting low. I eventually ended up just focusing on sensing chakra and ignoring everything else.

"Get up, it's your match. Sasuke still isn't here so it's your turn." Shikamaru said, reinstating me in reality.

~Shikamaru POV~
I just finished getting lectured by that annoying Naruto when Genma called for both Azami and some kid named 'Nadaso Taru' to come down to the arena. Once they got there they simply watched eachother, not even bothering to get into stances. Nadaso has a pretty built body so he must specialize in taijutsu, which would be the same with Azami, except she works more with speed than strength judging by her smaller stature.

"Are you ready?" Genma asked them.

They both silently nodded, and Genma started the fight. Neither of them moved at first, just watching eachother. Finally, they charged simultaneously, Azami with her sword charged with electricity, and Nadaso with two kunai covered in wind chakra like Asuma-sensei's. The wind chakra was protecting him from some of it, but I could tell by each small jolt of his body that he was still getting electrocuted. Azami had small cuts forming as well, although neither the electrocution nor the cuts seemed to bother the two, as they just kept exchanging blows.

Azami threw a kunai that missed on purpose? However, just as she was about to be stabbed through the stomach by Nadaso she appeared behind him, right where the kunai had been before! She swung her sword and cut deep into Nadaso's bicep, simultaneously kicking him forward. He let out a loud grunt and quickly put pressure on his wound, his arm swung by his side limply so I assumed the cut was electrocuted and paralyzed, or hurt too much to move.

Azami watched as he bandaged the cut, why, I dont know. It was weird, but as soon as he finished and started one handed hand seals she made a  couple hand seals and a giant water dragon formed at the same time a bunch of wind slashes were sent at her. The two attacks were canceled out by eachother, Azami lunged at Nadaso with her sword out, swinging down. He barely managed to block, but she was winning, the combination of him only using one arm and her putting all her body weight into the attack overpowering him.

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