Chapter XI: Kusa Team VS Azami

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A/N- I don't own the OC's in the pic, I just took them off google and edited them together. I am way too lazy to draw an entire team of people that aren't really all that important. Credit to whoever made them, cuz it wasn't me, and I dont know who it was.

~3rd POV~ [Main Azami vs Yagi]
Azami and Yagi met, their swords clashing. Almost instantly Yagi convulsed for a moment and jumped back, he shook it off and covered his sword in wind chakra to hopefully protect him from Azami's lightning to an extent. When they met again he was only slightly shocked, but this time it was just an annoying stinging instead of a burning stabbing. Azami was getting little cuts, and he was getting shocked. Yagi was stronger, but Azami was faster. She ducked, dodged, and cut, while he swung, blocked, and stabbed. Their styles were opposites, his rough and strong, hers graceful and fast.

The sword fight wasn't doing much except wasting time and chakra so they backed off to use jutsu instead. Azami used lightning balls that exploded against him and he used wind slice to get them away from him. They used ninjutsu with taijutsu for a bit. While Yagi was distracted with Azami, one of her clones came out and cut his head off.

Azami know it was a mud clone and managed to dodge getting cut in half, but still got a good sized cut across her side. Yagi pulled himself from the ground and Azami threw kunai and used simple water and lightning jutsu while her clone healed her enough to stop the bleeding. Once that was finished she was getting low on chakra. Yagi sent a wind dragon and she clashed with her own water dragon, the attacks dispersed and she threw a Hiraishin kunai. Her clone teleported behind Yagi and kicked him forward, Azami lunged with her sword and stabbed his stomach. He was still alive, but could no longer fight. He willingly gave her their Earth scroll and stumbled away, holding his wound.

The clone helping her dispersed and she received her other clones memories soon after.

~3rd POV~ [Clone vs Enji]
The Azami clone dodged a very close fireball that singed her hair. She had to save chakra, so for now she simply dodged, figuring out that Enji was the ninjutsu specialist of the team and mainly used fire style. Convenient for her, considering she specializes with water style. The clone threw a couple smoke bombs and ran silently towards the blinded boy, she swung her sword and nearly hit him just as he substituted with a log. He reappeared behind her and she managed to hit his neck just enough for him to bleed a bit, but not die.

He growled and quickly bandaged it while the Azami clone figured out a plan, she would start by placing a Hiraishin seal on Enji, then attack from behind randomly.

And so she did, she dashed to where he had just finished bandaging the cut and pressed her hand on his shoulder right as he dodged. He was confused, why did this girl just touch his shoulder? Although she didn't give him time to think about it when she teleported to him and stabbed him in the leg, he fell to the ground, clutching the new wound. He looked around frantically, seeing a kunai fly past him and nick his right ear he moved to the left, only to be kicked in the temple, hard.

Enji was dizzy, and losing. He could only hope his teammates were doing better than him, he could tell this girl was amazing. He wasn't even fighting the real her, and she was still kicking his ass. He watched as she disappeared only to show up again right in front of him, he was too disoriented to move as she slammed a seal on top of his head. He felt all his chakra leave him and passed out, Azami's clone slashed his neck, killing him. Then she dispersed, leaving the original with her memories.

~3rd POV~ [2nd Clone vs Nemuri]
Nemuri cast a genjutsu, the clone broke out. That's how this fight was turning out, and it was annoying the both of them. Nemuri couldn't win and refused to give up, Azami clone kept breaking free. Eventually Azami threw her sword at Nemuri, Nemuri dodged but Azami was already behind her. She kicked the girls arm hard enough to dislocate it, however the girl immediately shoved it back into place with a yelp and started healing it. She dodged a few of the hits Azami sent, still getting kicked and punched by most of them.

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