I was starting to get really worried, Nagisa landed a solid punch to Karma's face, his face looked down at him, on no, that snapped him

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I was starting to get really worried, Nagisa landed a solid punch to Karma's face, his face looked down at him, on no, that snapped him. He started fighting even harder, faster, with stronger punches and kicks, I knew Nagisa wouldn't be able to handle it much longer, "Wow those two boys are really going at it." "Neither of them backing down," "Hang on, look at the redhead," Sure enough, Karma was beating Nagisa, and he was out of bounds, "A-AKABANE-KUN WINS!!" We all look down, Karma was standing on top of Nagisa, continuously still kicking him, "KARMA STOP!" I shout, he must have blocked everything out, "Let's run Kaede!" She nods, "Hey guys! Where are you going? You know you can't go down there without being called!" We ignore Izuku, "KARMA, NAGISA STOP!" Kaede shouts, "OH? THE CLASS 1-A'S KAYANO AND KARASUMA HAVE STEPPED ON-FIELD?!" Kaede latches onto Nagisa pulling him off Karma and I struggle to keep Karma away from Nagisa.

" "Neither of them backing down," "Hang on, look at the redhead," Sure enough, Karma was beating Nagisa, and he was out of bounds, "A-AKABANE-KUN WINS!!" We all look down, Karma was standing on top of Nagisa, continuously still kicking him, "KARMA...

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"KARMA STOP!" I'm really having trouble holding him down, while Kaede... seems to be having a pretty easy time. Karma doesn't seem to be calming down anytime soon, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? CALM DOWN PLEASE!" It really seems like whatever I say isn't getting to him, I pin him down on the ground, now that was a challenge on its own. I really couldn't just drag him down, he's too strong for me, I had to lean my entire body weight on him, and that was only able to make him slightly stumble back, I quickly used this opportunity to drag his shirt down and I snaked behind him, covering his eyes with my hand and the other locking around his neck. He was still ferociously trying to escape my grasp. "HEY! Miss Midnight! Care to help!" She looked bewildered at how someone as small as me managed to take down this absolute out of control boy, "O-oh of course." She opens a small tear of her hero suit and both Nagisa and Karma go to sleep, "Finally..." I was completely out of breath, I laid down "You ok?" I see Kaede towering over me looking down. I give a little nod, she helps me up, "AND THIS CONCLUDES THIS YEAR'S UA SPORTS FESTIVAL!" The crowd cheers, "NOW IF YOU MAY, JUST GIVE US A FEW MOMENTS AND WE SHALL BEGIN THE AWARDS CEREMONY!" The crowd erupts once again. Recovery Girl takes both Nagisa and Karma to her office to sleep off Miss Midnight's mist. Kaede and I were exhausted, we sat down next to the boys, "Oh My God, that scared me, I thought we would have another conflict like the last one." I sigh, "Mh, hm," She nods her head, "HEY! Are you guys ok?!" All of 1-A rushes into Recovery Girl's office, "Yeah, they're fine, they're just sleeping off Midnight's mist, I was really scared, they were at each other's throats again," I sigh playing with Karma's hair then flop onto his bed, "I really hate it when they do that, one second they're best friends, the next, they're two assassins set out to kill each other." Kaede says 1-A nods, "If you want, we can leave you guys be for a while, but all four of you have your awards soon, once they wake up you should head out to the main grounds," Izuku says, "Thanks, and sure, we will be there as soon as we can," I reply. They all file out of the room, "Oh Karma, what were you thinking," I say about to close my eyes, "I don't know, I just blanked out," I jolt up, "Karma?!" He smirks, "Oh you dummy, I was so scared, I didn't know what happened to you and Nagisa!" I hug him tightly, he returns the hug, "Sorry Peaches, I really don't know what happened," I bury my head into the crook of his neck, "Please... just don't do it again." He chuckles, "No promises," I lightly smack his arm, "Ok, ok, fine, I promise." I smile. Soon after Nagisa regains consciousness and the two boys make up, "Come on guys, we have to get our awards, ironic, we didn't even try and we all got a placing." We laugh, "Yeah, funny huh?" I snicker.

"Well done Young Karasuma and Young Kayano, you've made 1-A proud, the fights you participated in were all breathtaking!" We bow our heads to let All Might put our medals on, "Thank you All Might." 

"Young Shiota, all fights were prepared with strategy, you have exceeded all the teachers and pro expectations, well done!" he bows his head, "Thank you sir."

"Young Akabane, your fighting style might not be... conventional, but it resulted in you winning this year's UA Sports Festival! Congratulations!" He bows his head, "Thanks teach."

"AND THIS IS THIS YEAR'S TOP THREE STUDENTS OF OUR FIRST YEARS! GIVE THEM A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!" The crowd claps, shouts, whistles, "I don't know if I like this." I hear Karma say, I sweatdrop, "I agree, I hate this, I prefer to stay back in the shadows rather than be in the spotlight." 

"Hang on, stand right there all of you," A group of photographers come up to us, telling us how they wanted a picture of us to put in the daily newspaper, we shrug and pose. "Say winners!"



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