Magical Sacrifices

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Third person's POV

The guys have been fighting their girls for a while now, and they were trying their best not to hurt the girls, but they should be worried that the girls won't harm them. Raph dodged another fireball from Ember and it barely scratched his cheek. Donnie dodged a boulder coming to him from Daisy which barely hit his head. Leo dodged all the ice attacks from Sapphire, which each time came really close to harming him. And Mikey has been dodging the Canary call from Addie. It wasn't pleasant to his ears at all.

Each turtle has tried to talk to their girl, but it wasn't working, then Mikey thought of something that might actually be useful. "Yo bros, Talk to your girl about the day we met them. And if it works and they stand still for a bit, kiss them! Trust me, Addie told me that True Love's Kiss always works."

The others agreed with their younger brother and tried it.

With Leo and Sapphire she was about to shoot an ice arrow at Leo when he spoke, "Sapphire please stop! It's me Leonardo your boyfriend. Do you remember when we met? You were hiding in the sewers? You were crying and I found you. I showed you who I was and we touch our hands together. You didn't see a monster, you saw a person."

Sapphire was stunned. Something inside her was coming back, she had a flashback of a walking little turtle boy wearing dirty blue overalls that had some weird symbol on it. He also was wearing a blue headband. She sees her six-year-old self grabbing the turtle boy's left hand that had only three fingers and placed it with her right hand. She thought this small turtle was kind and sweet.

"Come on Red it's me your Tortuga chico. You remember when we met, I saved you from those bullies that wanted to cut your hair. I threw bottles at them and they ran away crying. Then I showed myself to you and you didn't think I was freaky, you thought I was cool looking." 

Ember then had her flashback of a small walking talking, three fingered turtle, wearing a red vest, boots, and had a zebra print bandana on his head. She thought the turtle boy was cute.

"Flower look at me. It's Donatello, your genius turtle. The first time we met was when we were kids. The junkyard next to your dad's work was where we first met. You were crying because some boys were making fun of you and calling you four-eyes. I showed myself to you and you thought I was cute." 

Daisy stood still and had a flashback of a little boy, but he was a turtle, a boy standing on two legs wearing overalls and he had glasses like me, but his had tape in the middle of the rim. She remembered meeting this turtle, he was so cute and sweet.

"My angel, Addie, come on baby it's me Mikey. Your lover boy, your honey bun. We met when we were kids behind your parents bakery. You saw me dig through a Dumpster looking for food. Then you brought me milk and chocolate chip cookies. You were the first human to show me kindness, and that's what I loved about you. Your kindness towards others." 

Addie listened closely to the orange masked turtle and she suddenly had a flashback of a walking, talking little boy turtle wearing ratty old clothes. He has a pirate patch on his head and an orange traffic cone on his left leg. He was adorable and so sweet. She remembers this memory.

Each girl had a sharp pain go through their heads. These memories were coming back and it hurt their heads.

The turtles quickly and swiftly took this chance and they each grabbed their girls and kissed them with passion, love and desire.

As they kissed the girls' amulets began to glow. Verena saw this and tried to run over to her puppets to stop the kisses but was held back by the Royals. The turtles continued kissing their girls, while being surrounded by the bright lights. The girls slowly snaked their arms around each of their lovers neck, kissing back with their love too. And slowly each girl was going back to their real fairy forms.

The couples pulled away slowly and each girl opened her eyes and the turtles saw their true colored eyes were back. Each girl looked at her turtle and was happy to be back. Addie spoke up and said, "True Love's Kiss. Always works." She said while giggling and hugging Mikey.

But their happy reunion was cut short when a yell bellowed out at the couples saw that it was Verena. "True Love's Kiss. Pathetic, worthless. I should have known you turtles will ruin everything." Verena speaks as she starts to stalk towards the couples. Her eyes consumed with hate and rage. Power surging from her hands. 

"I should have killed you four when I had the chance. Well now, I'm going to do what I should have done, sixteen years ago!"

Verena summoned lightening almost hit the turtles. The girls pushed the guys out of the way and started to fight Verena.

Daisy's POV

We were fighting Verena, but it wasn't enough. We needed to do something else. Then a thought accord to me. I have an idea. "Girls huddle quick!" The girls flew up to Daisy and she told her plan. "I have an idea on how we can defeat her. We will need to summon all of our powers within our entire being, combine it together and that'll defeat her. But, their might be a slight side effect." The girls each looked at her. "What kind of side effect are we talking about here?" Sapphire asked.

Daisy sighed and said, "We could lose our powers. I won't be able to bend earth, Saph you'll stop bending ice and snow, Em, you'll stop bending fire, and Addie, you may never be able to sing again."

Third person's POV

Right now all the girls were scared. Losing their powers, but they knew that it was the only way to stop Verena and save Concordia. Each girl nodded to one another and flew down to Verena, forming a circle around her.

"What are you doing?!" She bellowed to the princesses. "Doing what is right to save our kingdoms." Sapphire retorted back to the evil sorceress. Each girl summoned all their powers within a magic orb. Verena watched what each girl was doing and looked at them in fear. Each girl had a powerful orb, they couldn't hold them for much longer.

The girls fired their orbs at Verena and she cried out in pain. Suddenly a giant blast happened in the middle where Verena once stood but her body had evaporating into dust. Each girl was push back by the blast from defeating Verena. The turtles and Royals came up to them after the battle ended. A loud bell toll was being called out to the land that it was safe.

The girls slowly opened their eyes and saw their boyfriends and families. "Did we do it?" Addie asked weakly. Mikey smiled at her and said, "Yeah baby you girls got her. Verena is gone." He told her as he and his brothers helped the girls back up on their feet.

As the girls leaned against their boyfriends for support they saw that none of them were in their fairy forms. Did they lose their powers? Ember tried to summon fire with her hands, but nothing happened. The girls saw this and got scared. Sapphire tried to create a snowflake in her hands, but nothing happened. Daisy tried to grow a flower but nothing happened. The turtles and Royals saw what was happening and they knew the girls lost their powers. Addie tried singing.

'A million thoughts in my head'

But it was off key. She was so upset. She lost her singing voice. She felt the tears coming to her eyes. All the girls did. Their powers were gone. They felt like they lost apart of them. They felt a piece missing from their hearts. Besides the different colored hair's and birthmarks, they were just normal teenage girls.

But something else came to their minds. Now that Verena was defeated, what were they going to do with their futures?

Ninjas & Princesses (TMNT Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora