An Attack on Crystallex

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Third person's POV

The Royals, the turtles and the girls were being pulled through the portal. They were getting close to the end, but something was interfering with the portal. Dark magic swarmed them, the girls where in a panic. Everyone had to go one way instead of separating. Artemis opened the portal to Crystallex, everyone fell out of the portal and they all landed in the middle of the town that was two miles away from the castle.

Town of Crystallex

Everyone saw that the town was being attacked by dark creatures

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Everyone saw that the town was being attacked by dark creatures. Demons, gargoyles, and soldiers, all with dark auras, attack good soldiers, who were fighting back to protect the innocent people fleeing to safety. The kings all took out their swords and turned to the group. "Alright everyone listen up. Turtles, we will need your help to defeat them. Girls, take your moms and get to safety. Go!"

Once Artemis said that the kings and the turtles went into battle, the queens hurried to the nearest sheltered area, the girls right behind them, but something stopped Sapphire in her tracks. She heard the cries of children screaming for help, it was coming from a burning house, the parents of the children were trying to get inside, but they were being held back by other people telling them it wasn't safe. Sapphire looked at her friends and they knew what they had to do. "We need to help them. This is my birth home, and I need to protect it."

Her friends nodded and they all transformed into their fairy forms. Sapphire flew up to the burning house and quickly used her powers. She formed a cloud above the roof and snow and rain started to fall down. Daisy and Addie got the crowd back while Ember approached the front door and kicked it down. She saw the two children under a table, a seven-year-old boy, who was hugging his four-year-old sister, who was holding a teddy bear in her arms, crying for her mommy and daddy.

Ember quickly went up to them and bend down to them. "Hey it's okay. It's going to be okay. My name is Ember, I'm a good fairy. I'm going to get you both out of here. Come on." Once she said that they both held on to her as she carried them both outside to safety. Sapphire got the house fire out and everyone saw the red/orange fairy come out with the two children. She handed them to their parents, who each took one child and kissed them, while thanking Ember over and over.

The turtles saw what happened after they took care of the last of the demons. They were proud of their girls. Raphael was especially proud of Ember running inside to save the kids. The kings went straight to their wives and hugged them, happy to see that they were unharmed.

They girls ran up to their boyfriends and were glad that they were safe. Each kissing their lover. A crowd started to surround them and they applauded to the girls and the turtles. Mikey loved the attention and bowed to the people. Addie giggled and rolled her eyes dramatically at her boyfriend's goofiness. Artemis approached the crowd along with the other royals. The villagers saw them and bowed to them.

Artemis held his hand up and the crowd looked to them. "I hope that everyone is okay. I will have my soldiers help clean up the town. Also you are all probably wondering who these turtles and girls are. We will reveal their identities tomorrow at the press conference we will hold. Now, if you'll all please excuse us."

The group left as they continued to the castle. The walk was quiet, but not like awkward quiet, just pleasant. The girls saw that Crystallex was a kingdom of snow, but it wasn't so cold outside as they thought. Finally they came up to the gates of the castle and the girls and turtles stared in awe at the snow covered castle.

 Finally they came up to the gates of the castle and the girls and turtles stared in awe at the snow covered castle

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Sapphire couldn't believe that this was her home. She has never seen a castle before and it was amazing. Ember, Daisy and Addie were wondering if their families castles were this large and spectacular. They entered the castle and the first part they entered was the foyer.

 They entered the castle and the first part they entered was the foyer

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

It was beautiful. Sapphire loved the chandelier on the ceiling. "Okay, it's starting to get late so, Elsa and I shall retire for the night. Everyone else you will return to your kingdoms, and we shall all meet back here tomorrow at 10am for the press conference."

Everyone nodded and Apollo, Gerald, and Emmett opened three different portals to their castles. The girls hugged each other good night, as did the turtles and each different group separated and entered the three different portals that lead to Draco, Terra and Melodic.

Sapphire turned around and her father clapped his hands and called for three different people. "Bridgette, Corine, Cedric." Sapphire and Leo turned to see three people come downstairs. The two girls were wearing maid outfits, while the man was in a butler suit. They bowed to their king and queen and they saw the girl and giant turtle behind them. They gasped and Bridgette was the first to ask. "Your Majesties, are they who we think they are?" Elsa smiled and nodded their heads. The three helpers were shocked to say the least but didn't say much.

Sapphire smiled that them. She knew that she was special, since she is the princess they all hoped would return to them. Sapphire was brought out of her thoughts when Elsa said, "Girls, please take Sapphire up to her room and get her ready for bed. Cedric, please show Leonardo to the guest room close to our daughter's room." They nodded and the girls took Sapphire up to her room, while Cedric took Leo to his. 

Meanwhile the others were being pampered as well. It was new to all of them, but they were starting to like it. Well, Ember wasn't used to such extravagant things like a big home or a big room, she can't help but miss her home back in New York in the Bronx. She doesn't know if she'll ever get used to the life of a princess.

Ninjas & Princesses (TMNT Book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin