Story of The Girls' Fate

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Third person's POV

Last time: Artemis was just starting to explain to the girls about their past. "Well, I guess it started about a month before the girls were born."

Flashback sixteen years ago

In Fae in the of Crystallex king Artemis, with the help of the other kings, were hosting a baby shower for their queens. The queens were eight months pregnant, and they couldn't wait for their little princesses to come into the world. Everyone in all the kingdoms were excited to have four princesses come into the world.

The party was going great but then the entrance to the ball room opened and Verena came in dressed in a black dress.

Verena's dress ignore the knife

Verena's dress ignore the knife

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Artemis was confused to see his old friend. He hasn't seen her in over a year. She looked angry and she doesn't have that bright smile on her face anymore. He sees only anger, hate and jealousy.

Verena stood in front of all the royals. But she was mostly looking at Elsa, but with hate and jealousy. Elsa didn't know this woman, and she has a bad feeling about her. Verena scowled at Elsa and glared at Artemis, who doesn't understand why his old friend is like this.

"Verena? What are you doing here? Why are you dressed like that?" Artemis asked her. She chuckled evilly which scared the others. "You want to know why I am like this darling? Well, how about the fact that you never loved me? How you barely even noticed me while taking over your father's kingdom? And how you had the nerve to marry that commoner of a queen inside of me a blue blood!?"

Verena's out burst frightened the guest and servants. The guards were ready to escort this woman out of the castle, but waited for orders. Artemis was surprised to say the least, he felt bad about his friend, but he never loved her. Artemis sighed, rubbed his forehead to calm himself down.

And that is how the girls came to Earth and would have to face their destiny.

End flashback

Once Artemis finished explaining everyone was in shock. The girls now knew about why their parents had to give them up. This Verena sounded like a total bitch. Ember never met her, but she hated her for forcing her birth parents to give her up. All the girls thought this.

"So..." Addie started to say as everyone turned to her. She was sitting down in her favorite chair with Mikey that they always cuddled up in whenever she visited. "What happens now?" Everyone was wondering that. Melody decided to take action.

"We need your help girls. And the turtles too. Verena is getting stronger by the minute, her armies are growing too. I know you don't know us all that well. Because for sixteen years we were separated, but we were watching over you waiting for the right time. And that time is now. Please. Our homes are in danger. The people of our planet need you."

The royals watched their daughters along with the turtles get up from their sits and left for the dojo to talk in private. Splinter went with them too.

What will they decided? The adopted families really didn't want them to go. Well, April was some what okay with it. As long as she was going with Sapphire. She needs to make sure her baby sister will be okay. All of the adopted mothers wanted to be sure that their daughters will make the right choice. But would them leaving be okay?

After about fifteen minutes, Splinter, the girls and the turtles emerged from the dojo. The turtles had defeated looks on their faces. Splinter had a smirk and the girls had proud faces. The royals sat up from their seats and watched the girls approach them.

"So, what have you girls decided?" Lillian asked them. The girls looked at each other and nodded to Sapphire, since she was kind of the leader. Sapphire stepped forward and spoke. "We decided..."

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