Darkness Consumes All

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Sapphire's POV

My head. I felt like someone took a hammer and beat it into my head several times. I opened my eyes slowly and I felt groggy. I tried to move my hands, but failed. I tried to move any part of my body but I could only move my head.


I looked and saw that it was Daisy that said my name. She was in her fairy form, and in some sort of green glowing circle. I saw Ember in a orange-yellowish circle, in her fairy form and Addie in a pink/magenta circle, in her fairy form as well. I realized I was in a blue circle myself and I was in my fairy form like the others.

Magic Circles: Sapphire (6), Ember (4), Daisy (7), Addie (1)

"What the hell?! What's going on?!" I asked wondering where we were and how we got here

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"What the hell?! What's going on?!" I asked wondering where we were and how we got here.

Then I remembered: Verena. She kidnapped us, she took us hostage. "What do you think Verena is going to do with us?" Addie asked being scared. We were all silent, we know what Verena wanted. She wanted to kill us.

"Very good question, Princess Adagio."

We turned to where the voice came from, and out of the shadows came Verena, holding an old book. She smiled at us evilly and stopped in the middle of the room getting a good look at us. I tried to move, but I still couldn't move my body.

"What I want, is revenge on your father..." She started to say looking at me. "For breaking my heart and leaving me for THAT WOMAN! If he had married me instead of that filthy commoner, you would've been my daughter. Not hers."

I scoffed at her stupid answer. She looked at me with anger and hatred, but I wasn't afraid of her. I faced people worse than her.

"That's your answer? Revenge on my dad because he didn't love you? Hears a tip lady, get over it! It's been sixteen years. When are you going to wake up and realize that my dad is never going to love you? And I'm glad that Elsa is my mom and not you."

If looks could kill I would be dead. Verena's face was mixed with anger and hatred. Then she stormed over to me and she slapped my face with a strong force. I heard my friends gasping at her action. That one hurt. I could feel my cheek stinging from Verena's hit.

"I guess living on Earth with your adopted families didn't teach you girls enough manners. No matter, all that is about to change. You girls will learn how to follow orders, and to learn your places in my army."

What is she talking about? We watched her open the book she was holding, turning to a page in it and smiled her wicked grin. "You girls will become nothing but empty shells once I'm done with you."

What was she planning to do with us? "Whatever your planning Verena it won't work! Our boyfriends will come and tear you to pieces!" Ember yelled to her.

All Verena did was smile evilly at my friend. Verena lifted her hands and the lights went out, now candles were lit and I felt the room becoming ominous.

"Let's begin the ritual. Starting with the memories you girls have produced over the years. Once this spell is over, you girls won't remember your families or your disgusting turtle boyfriends."

We were scared. I didn't want to lose my memory, not of April, Casey or even Vern. My adopted father, my birth parents, who I just reunited with, and especially not my Leo.

Ember's POV

My memory? I didn't want to lose it. Not about my adopted family. My Papi, my Mama, my siblings, my new found family. If I could get out I would apologize to my birth mom, take back what I said. But I definitely didn't want to forget about Raphael. My Tortuga Chico, the turtle who loves me for me. The first guy who ever showed me that I didn't need to change. The guy who calmed me down if I was ever in a bad mood. I didn't want to lose my memory of him.

Daisy's POV

I wanted my parents. Both adopted and birth. I was so happy to finally find them, now I'm going to forget them. I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I wanted Donnie. My amazing genius turtle. I wanted to feel his arms wrapped around my waist, to feel his lips on my forehead, my cheeks and my own lips. I didn't want to forget the guy who made me feel beautiful everyday. Donnie, please save me.

Addie's POV

I want Mikey. I wanted to hear his goofy voice that I loved so much. His smile and jokes that made me smile. I didn't want to lose my memories of him, the amazing turtle I feel in love with. I wanted my adopted parents, my sister, my birth parents. I want my Mikey.

Verena's POV

All of these you hold onto tightly
What I now mention you will release"

Once I finished the Memory Spell, I watched in delight as the princesses memories of all their loved ones was fading away.

After a while, they all had blank expression on their faces. No memory of themselves or their loved ones. I turned to another page in the book and started to recite the Evil Spell:

"Dark hearts
Dark images
Let your hearts go into the darkness
Let darkness fill your bodies and minds
Transform into the dark beings you truly are"

Once I finished I enjoyed hearing the pained screams of the princesses transforming into evil fairies. The bright colors from their fairy forms were turning into dark colors. Their wings losing their brightness, becoming dark. The circles disappeared and now I had my puppets. This was going to make me become the true ruler of Fae.

<Hey that was it. I know it was a cliffhanger, but trust me u all will love what I have planned. I got the Memory Spell from Google and I made up the Evil Spell.> 

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