Princesses of Fae

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Third person's POV

It was a nice warm day on all the planets of Fae. People around the planet were turning on their TVs to watch the Fae news channel, because they all heard that the Royals had a big announcement to make.

The announcement was taking place in the front lawn of the Crystallex castle. Reporters from around the four kingdoms were waiting patiently for the Royals' news.

Inside the castle the Royals and the turtles were waiting on the girls. They girls were getting ready for their big introduction to their home planets. The girls came down the stairs, and all heads turned to them. The parents stared in awe at their daughters' beautiful figures. The turtles jaws were dropped down so far, it looked like their jaws were touching the ground. The girls' princess dresses were absolutely beautiful.

The girls giggled at their turtles, each girl went up to their turtle and closed their jaws. "Okay girls, you ready?" Elsa asked them. The girls looked at each other and nodded their heads. Artemis told the girls to wait until they called their names. He opened the doors, wrapped Elsa's arm around his, and went out to face their people.

The crowd saw the front doors open. Reporters getting their cameras ready. Artemis stepped up to the podium. Cleared his throat and spoke into the microphone. "Thank you all for waiting patiently for us. Their is something that me, my wife and the other Royals have been keeping from you all.

For those of you that remember, sixteen years ago we said that our babies, the princesses died of a mysteries illness. Well, we lied." Artemis paused for a minute. Everyone gasped and whispered wondering why they would lie. "The truth is, our daughters didn't die. We took them away to be kept safe on another planet called Earth. Safe from Verena. But now that times are changing and Verena is getting stronger, it's time our daughters face her, and bring peace back to our planets.

So, with that, I am proud to introduce our four lovely princess to you all. First, mine and my wife Queen Elsa's daughter, our princess of Crystallex Princess Sapphire Opal Frost."

Sapphire came out first with Leonardo holding her arm in his. She was a vision of beauty in her blue dress with her sapphire tiara.

Sapphire's dress

Sapphire's tiara

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Sapphire's tiara

Sapphire's tiara

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Leo thought that his snowflake was like a goddess, he kissed her cheek as they stepped to the side for the next princess.

"Second, for the people of Draco, I'm happy to announce that your princess is here and ready to fight for her people. Please welcome Princess Ember Amelia Flamora of Draco."

Ember came out next with Raphael in her beautiful ruby red dress.Ember didn't like dresses that much, but she knew she needed to wear one to be more presentable as a princess. Raphael leaned into her ear, whispering nothing but sweet things that made her blush. They stepped over next to Sapphire and Leo, as Artemis announced the next princess.

Ember's dress 

Ember's dress 

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"Thirdly, for the people of Terra, your princess is as smart as a book worm, kind to nature and found a passion in technology like her lover. Please welcome back Princess Daisy Violet Rosewood."

Daisy stepped out next with Donatello. Her purple dress was so beautiful that Donnie couldn't stop blushing at his girlfriend's beauty. Daisy giggled at her turtle genius and kissed his cheek with love. They stepped over and waiting for the last princess to come out.

Daisy's dress

Daisy's dress

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"And finally, for the people of Melodic, I am pleased to present to you after sixteen long years, your princess has returned too. Please welcome back, Princess Adagio Sonata Treble of Melodic."

Addie, along with Michelangelo came out last, with smiles on both their faces. They waved to the people, and Addie felt so pretty in her pink dress which she loved. Mikey thought that she was so cute. The girls stepped forward with the guys standing behind them. Artemis spoke once again.

Addie's dress

"We are happy to have our girls back

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"We are happy to have our girls back. They have been with adopted families that raised them as their own, and while they were living on Earth they met these brave skilled turtle warriors that have been with our girls for almost two years. Please welcome back to Fae, your princesses and their lovers, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Who will fight side by side together and defeat Verena."

They crowd applauded loudly. Cameras were flashing and balloons were released into the air for such a grand celebration. But unknown to all, a black hooded figure, a woman with blonde hair and an evil smile, stared at the girls, and was smiling evilly, already plotting her next move for her wicked plan.

<Sorry it wasn't much of a chapter. But be ready for the next one>

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