The seven are back together

Start from the beginning

Carrie was the latest to become afflicted with this horrid disease that so many seventeen and eighteen-year-olds in highschools all across the world fall victim to every spring. Although this particular infection is incurable, the symptoms can be managed quite successfully with a hefty dose of discipline and unfortunately for our youngest daughter, that was exactly the medicine Dr. Curtis had prescribed.

Shane and I were both in New York on business so Neil received the call from Dean Banfeld regarding Carrie's misbehavior that fateful Tuesday afternoon.

Dr. Neil Curtis's pov

"Dr. Curtis, it's Dean James Banfeld from South High. I apologize for interrupting your busy day, sir, but I'm afraid we have a situation here that needs to be addressed before Dr. Horton and Admiral Donovan return."

"No need to apologize, James," I said, rubbing my forehead, knowing his news will most likely bring on a migraine. "What happened?" I proceeded to listen to Dean Banfeld describe the transgression which landed one of the girls in his office as I rubbed my temples.

"I'm afraid Carrie was caught with four other students drinking alcohol on school grounds during lunch hour."

I groaned and shook my head in disbelief before responding, "I'll be by shortly to retrieve her. Thank you for calling." After hanging up the phone, I took a minute to practice some breathing techniques designed to quell my temper before heading over to the school to pick up Shane and Michael's wayward daughter. I thought Carrie was supposed to be the well-behaved one.

I had a death grip on the steering wheel the entire drive over to the girls' school. There weren't enough deep, calming breaths in the world to lessen my anger regarding Carrie's misbehaviour. I can't believe she would do something so utterly asinine.

When I arrived, Dean Banfeld's secretary immediately ushered me into his office. Carrie made the mistake of locking eyes with me, however briefly, causing her to become acutely aware of my mood. I heard her swallow hard before averting her gaze as she fidgeted nervously in her seat.

After shaking hands with Dean Banfeld, I turned to admonish her.

"Carrie Anne, I am appalled by your despicable behaviour. How dare you drink alcohol while underage and during school no less. I'm not only furious, I'm also extremely disappointed in you. What in the world were you thinking?" Both my hands were tightly balled into fists as I harnessed every bit of restraint to refrain from taking her over my knee and throttling her right here in Dean Banfeld's office.

Carrie avoided acknowledging both my question and the angry look on my face as she looked down while anxiously wringing her hands in her lap.

"You had better look me in the eye and answer me respectfully in the next three seconds, young lady, if you value your ability to walk out of this office without limping." My tone and posture should certainly indicate what I'll deem to be an appropriate response.

Timidly meeting my stone cold gaze, Carrie quietly utters, "I don't know why I did it. Ok?"

I inhaled sharply through my flared nostrils, my lips pressed firmly together in a thin line. Narrowing my eyes at Michael's youngest, I exhaled slowly and not so gently gripped her chin.

Bending down to her level, I spoke sternly.

"No, it most assuredly is not okay. Your response was neither appropriate nor respectful and I will most certainly address that with you when we get home." I released my hold on her chin and stood up, firmly squaring my stance while I stared her down.

Tears welled in Carrie's eyes and her bottom lip began to quiver. She sniffled and peered up at me, her eyes brimming with sadness and fear. I immediately softened upon seeing the sincerity in her regret, knowing her previous response was born only of fear, not rebellion. I sighed, closed my eyes, and slowly shook my head.

"Apologize to Dean Banfeld for your despicable behaviour." I spoke authoritatively but not harshly.

"I'm sorry, Dean Banfeld, I..." Carrie choked up, unable to speak anymore, her cheeks flushing bright red from embarrassment and shame as the tears streamed down her face.

Knowing there was no point in pushing her any further, I turned to Dean Banfeld and asked, "So where do we go from here, James?"

"Although Carrie's actions certainly warranted severe punishment, with only two months of the school year remaining, I have no intention of suspending her. That is, however, strictly contingent on your personal assurance that an incident such as this will not occur again, or I will be forced to take drastic measures, including the possibility of expulsion." Dean Banfeld's stern tone was rivaled only by the icy look he gave Carrie before he continued addressing me. "Do I have your word of honor to uphold that promise, sir?"

"You have my guarantee, James, that when I'm through disciplining Carrie Anne, she will never consider touching a drop of alcohol while on school grounds again." My eyes darkened as I stood rigidly, arms crossed, locking eyes with my protege's youngest daughter. "She will undoubtedly learn an extremely painful lesson this afternoon, you have my word on it, James."

Dean Banfeld replied, "I appreciate your cooperation in this matter, Dr. Curtis, and I thank you for your time." After shaking my hand, he addressed Carrie, "For your behavior you will be serving thirteen one hour office detentions beginning tomorrow after school and continuing through the next two weeks. Don't let me catch you drinking alcohol on school grounds ever again, Carrie. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir," Carrie practically whispered.

"Good. You're dismissed into the custody of your acting guardian," Dean Banfeld stated sharply, in a no-nonsense tone.

Turning my attention to Carrie, I snapped, "Stand and speak your gratitude to Dean Banfeld for disciplining you, quite mercifully I might add, as your misbehaviour certainly warranted harsher consequences."

Carrie immediately stood and said, "Thank you for disciplining me, sir." She didn't want to anger me further, knowing she was in enough trouble already and facing a severe reprimand upon arriving home.

Grabbing her by the arm, I forcefully led her out of the Dean's office.

"It's clear your guardians have failed to teach you proper manners and appropriate respect for authority figures. I'll be addressing that with you this afternoon and with Michael and Shane as well when they return from their travels," I sternly lectured, as I led her to the car.

Carrie's pov

When we arrived back from school, I silently followed Dr. Curtis into his office at the Foundation. His wife and assistant Liz gave me a sad smile and sympathetic nod as I passed by her desk.

"Sit!" Dr. Curtis commanded, pointing to the chair opposite his desk. "You better have an exceptional explanation for your outlandish behaviour today, young lady." With an angry determination behind his every move, he took off his suit coat, removed his tie, rolled up his shirt sleeves, pulled his wicked paddle out of his desk drawer and slammed it down loudly atop his desk. "START TALKING!" he yelled, before taking his seat across from me.

Seeing his cold hard wooden paddle up close and personal brought tears to my eyes as it paralyzed both my tongue and body. I was too afraid to speak or move, my eyes remained glued to its shiny veneer.

Dr. Curtis spoke harshly, startling me back to reality.

"Young lady, now is not an appropriate time to try my patience." He picked up the paddle and began mindlessly twirling it as he stared me down.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Curtis, I know I never should've taken a drink from that bottle." I looked down embarrassed and ashamed, wiping the tears that were now falling on my cheeks.

I jumped from the loud noise Dr. Curtis's paddle made as he slapped it down sharply atop his desk.

"Do not disrespect me by avoiding eye contact," he snapped. "And save your tears as you'll surely need them when your spanking begins."

Dr. Curtis stood and came out from behind his desk. Grabbing the handle of the paddle firmly, he tapped the edge of the sturdy wooden board into the palm of his left hand as he confronted me. What he said next just about stopped my heart.

"Lower your pants, Carrie Anne, and bend over my desk."

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