"Then why were you were all outside?" I asked.

"He locked us out.," he says sheepishly. He scratched the back of his head in thought. I crossed my arms over my chest. It took him a minute to get the words right.

"Kageyama, I know you and Hinata aren't the best of friends but I was hoping that maybe, you could try to get him to open up?" Suga asked. I sigh, heavily.

"Don't get your hopes up. We barely know each other.," I say. Suga grins.

"Thanks Kageyama. It means a lot to all of us, you know. Maybe to Hinata the most.," he says clapping my back.

"Bring him to the gym if you can.," he calls back. My shoulders slump. I knock on the door.

"Hinata, are you alright?" I ask through the door. No response. Slight shuffling, but nothing more. I press my ear to the door to hear better. That's not shuffling. I thought. Listening closer I hear something that almost breaks me. He's crying. I thought to myself. I knock again.

"Hinata, please. Can you let me in?" I ask. I waited about 5 minutes before the lock clicked. The door opened enough for me to enter. Once I was inside I scanned the room. The lights were off, the only light evident was from the window. I didn't notice Hinata til he passed in front of me. His orange hair a mess. His eyes were dim and had circles underneath. He hasn't been sleeping. I noted. He tried to make himself smaller which was odd. He would always try to make himself bigger. He sat in the corner near his locker. He curled his legs up and laid his arms ontop. He layed his head down, but kept one eye on me. Cautious. Why? I thought. I changed from my school uniform to my volleyball shorts. It was a bit difficult with the lighting but I made do. There's a reason why he's like this. I just gotta find out why. I thought.

Hinata POV

It happened again, another attack. I gotta get those under control. It's been a whole month since it happened and I still can't think about it. It's affecting everyone. They're all starting to notice. I just wish it never happened at all. Why me? Why did it have to happen to me? It could've been anyone else but it just had to happen to me. I just got this life and this had to happen.

——— Month prior ———

"Oy! Number 10!" a voice called. I turned to see someone walking up. It was difficult to see them in the dark alleyway. It looked like 3 maybe 4 people. Though I still can't believe I got lost again.

"Hey, kid!" a man said.

"Hi, sorry I'm a little lost. If you could maybe point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.," I said. He approached me. Looked at me head to toe. I found it to be a little odd but if they could help me, I could leave quickly.

"You're number 10 from Karasuno, correct?" he asked. I nodded. He circled around me as the others stood a little ways away. I suddenly felt nervous.

"Hmm. Who knew Karasuno had such pretty things laying around.," he said, carding through my hair. He smirked as the others started to get closer.

"Well, I was hoping maybe you could point me in that direction. I got a little lost when we went running.," I replied sheepishly. He hummed in content. As the others got closer he seemed to get weirder. It wasn't until they were about 4 feet from us when he started growling at them. Well, what I thought was growling. They stopped but encircled us. When he was behind me, he wrapped an arm around my middle.

"H-hey. S-stop.," I said weakly as he nosed at my neck. I felt scared, but I couldn't move. I finally broke from the fear, pulling away.

"Hey, if you can't help I'll get back myself.," I said. I turned to leave when my arm was grabbed. Before I could react, he threw me against a wall. My back hurt slightly from the impact. I tried to get away but the man pinned me to my spot. He covered my mouth and pinned a leg between mine as well as pinning an arm. He was bigger than I was, and much stronger.

"You're too pretty to let go.," he whispered in my ear. I felt his tongue trace the outline of my ear. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I tried to scream but he bit my neck. I whimpered in his hand.

"No noise. You make any sound, and you get hurt.," he said. I closed my eyes. Every option is so far.

"Wake up.," I hear. I don't open my eyes. "Wake up!" It's louder now.

——— Present ———

Kageyama POV

I heard a slight whimpering. I discarded it as it might have been my imagination. I heard it again, louder now. I looked towards Hinata. Sound asleep. I sigh. I slip my shirt on when I hear it for the 3rd time. I look to Hinata and see that he's shaking. Tears are forming at the corners of his eyes. He's shaking so badly. I kneel in front of him. It's getting worse. He's almost screaming. I shake him.

"HINATA! HINATA, WAKE UP!!" I exclaim. His eyes spring open. Pupils blown wide in fear. His eyes travel to where I have grabbed his arms. I let go as he sits up. His breathing's still heavy and tears are streaming down his face.

"Hinata...," I whisper. He doesn't look up. I sit beside him. I'm not good in these situations, I don't know what I could possibly say to help him. Tentatively, I put my hand down between us. Halfway. Hinata eyes it. His own shaking hand meeting mine. Before he grasps it, he tries to pull away, but I'm faster. I grab his hand, putting it between us. It's still trembling slightly, but it's not too bad. I scoot closer to Hinata, arms brushing. He goes tense. His breathing starts to get heavier. His shaking is getting worse by the second. Before I lose him I hug him tightly. I hold him tightly against me. I feel my shirt going slightly damp but it doesn't matter. His body's shaking as silent sobs sound the room. I don't say anything. There's nothing for me to say anyway. I just let him let go. Let go of it all.

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