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NO BIG DEAL OR ANYTHING BUT I AM ON A ROLL also only about the second half of this chapter has been reread and edited, so if the first half has any errors, feel free to point them out.  and i know i said to expect the next chapter around christmas, but i found a way to split it into two (while still making both halves quite lengthy), so this happened tonight. CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW WEIRD THIS IS LIKE I COULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME UPDATE BEFORE AND NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN I'M CRANKING OUT CHAPTERS LEFT AND RIGHT LIKE AT THIS RATE THE STORY WILL BE FINISHED BY NEW YEARS omg. anyway, enjoy! let me know what you think! 

Chapter Thirty-Nine



                I knew I was awake when I didn’t hear a single thing coming from the other side of the room.  I had fallen asleep to my fake boyfriend’s deep breathing and quiet, drunken mumbles, and I was waking to complete silence.  With an almost overwhelming surge of sadness as I pushed myself up and swung my legs over the edge of my bed, I remembered that today would be the last day I’d get to call him that.

                And said fake boyfriend wasn’t even here.

                Disoriented and through squinted eyes, I stared over at his empty bed, confused.  It took several minutes of staring before I put two and two together and began looking around the room for a post-it note.  He leaves those things without fail whenever he leaves, and I had no doubt he did it again.

                When I couldn’t spot any in the living room, I figured he must be in the kitchen or something.  Sighing, I slid off the bed and stood in place for a moment, feeling like I just wanted to crawl back into bed for a little while longer.  But I couldn’t.  I could sleep when Harry and I weren’t fake dating anymore.

                The kitchen was empty, and I was again confused.  It was lacking post-it notes as much as it lacked Harry, and because I wasn’t awake enough to process this very quickly, I was left standing in place near the kitchen table for a while before I thought to return to the other room to check my phone.

                I had a text message.

                It wasn’t from Harry.  It was Lucy.

                Hello gorgeous.  Meet me down the street, you’ll know where.  I was talking to your brother last night, and we were discussing some things, and long story short, I need to talk to you.  I’ll explain when you get here! Kisses xx


                Sent:  Hey, can this wait until tomorrow? If it’s important I can call you, but it’s my last day with Harry and I think we have plans and I kinda want to spend the day with him.  Hope that’s cool with you.


                I didn’t bother mentioning that I couldn’t exactly find my probably hungover counterpart, and I figured I’d give him some time before I tried contacting him.  It was still early, and maybe he was in better spirits today and had gone out to get us coffee or breakfast or something.  So I grabbed a pair of shorts, the T-shirt with my brother’s lyrics on it, underwear, and my bag of toiletries, and I headed to the bathroom to shower.

                On my way, Lucy texted back.

                Actually it’s super important.  I swear it won’t take long, and I’ll drive you back asap.  Please??

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