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Guys, I've absolutely zero idea where this came from tonight, but I guess here you go?  Like honestly I had no intention of updating this story at all anytime soon.  Finals are quickly approaching, I have SO much to do, Supernatural has taken over all of my free time...  Updating this story just wasn't in the cards.  However, here it is.  For those of you who thought Katie wasn't real...hahahaha.  Enjoy (:


Chapter Thirty-Eight



                Simply put, Katie Clemens was stunning.

                I didn’t want to admit that to even myself at all tonight.  Never even wanted such a thought to cross my mind.  As much as I knew it was very important for Harry that I approved of her (although the way he’s been acting about this dinner might make anyone else think otherwise), I also knew before we even arrived – had come to the conclusion as soon as I slid into the passenger seat of his car earlier – that wasn’t going to like a single thing about her.  Unfortunately for me, my pre-conceived judgments tended to be a tiny bit off the mark, like, every single time.

                She wasn’t one of those beautiful women that try too hard either.  It was a subtle kind of beauty; she wore all natural colors on her face, if she was even wearing much at all, but it worked so well that I was immediately jealous the second I laid eyes on her.  I could see why Harry was so attracted to her.  I almost was.

                It got worse from there.  Katie wasn’t just pleasant to look at.  Her voice was pleasant, the way you felt when she smiled at you was pleasant…her entire demeanor was pleasant, and at first, I didn’t like it one bit.

                Harry cleared his throat when we’d approached the table, putting on a friendly, polite smile that seemed a bit awkward on him, but unless Katie knew him better than I, she’d never be able to tell.  He stood between the two of us, his hands clasped.  Katie had been waiting at the table Harry had gotten us reservations for, and we had been running a little late due to our uncomfortable conversation before we left and a little bit of traffic on the highway.  She didn’t seem to mind.

                “Ah, Katie, this is Lexie McAllister.  Lexie, this is Katie,” Harry introduced us. 

                “It’s literally the biggest honor to meet you, Lexie,” Katie admitted, holding a hand out.  “Harry never stops talking about you.”

                From the corner of my eye, I noticed Harry dip his head in response to that.  I felt a lump form in my throat, but shook her hand quickly to distract myself from it.  “Thanks,” I breathed.  “I’ve heard a lot about you as well.  I’m glad we finally get to meet, and uh, sorry we were late.”

                Katie waved a hand.  “God, don’t worry about it.  You wouldn’t imagine how entertaining it was just sitting here and listening to the conversations going on around me.  You, uh, may be surprised to know this, but I’m not the type to frequent fancy restaurants like this one.  So it’s not every day that I get to hear the things that hella wealthy people worry about on a daily basis.”

                I think I surprised all three of us by letting out an embarrassingly loud laugh at that.  Quickly I covered my mouth to stifle the rest of my outburst, and Katie laughed in response.  Harry might have even been chuckling at my reaction.

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