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Chapter Seventeen



                Things had settled down for the most part, and that was probably all due to Louis’ presence.  The guy was simply a big ball of happiness, and honestly if it wasn’t for him lightening the atmosphere every time it grew dark, I’d have gone home a long time ago.  Instead, we were bonding.  As Louis put it.

                “This is my favorite part,” the eldest bandmember whispered, nudging me with his elbow.  I glanced at him through the corner of my eye to see him grinning at Harry on his other side now, an amused expression on my own face.

                On Harry’s television, the Hulk snatched Loki by the foot and whipped him back and forth into the floor before muttering, “Puny god.”  Louis let out what could only be described as a giggle, and I silently responded in nearly the same way, unable to help myself. 

                This movie was far too long for my liking, but at least this wasn’t as horrible as I thought it was going to be.  It was going quickly, already almost at the end, and then I’d make some excuse so I could hurry back to my brother’s place.  Tomorrow marked our first public outing, and I needed plenty of rest if I was going to be expected to refrain from killing anyone.

                The thought of what tomorrow would hold began to put me in a bad mood, and I no longer found Louis’ random fits of laughter funny.  When the movie was over, I was the first one on my feet.

                “I should be going,” I breathed, folding my arms across my chest and already stepping over both their feet.  “Thanks for, uh, the movie, and…  See you tomorrow I guess.”

                “Well, you won’t see me,” Louis said.

                “Unfortunately,” I smiled at him.  “So see you when I see you.”

                He nodded once to that.  “Yes you will.”

                Harry began to stand.  “Let me walk you ou – “

                “No,” I blurted, beginning to back away.  “I’m good.  Goodbye.”

                I turned, and I was walking away now, quickly weaving through a couple doorways until I made it to the hallway that’d lead me to the door.  I’ve no clue what Harry’s expression looked like, don’t know if he said ‘goodbye’ back, have no idea if he said anything to Louis once my back was turned, and frankly I didn’t care.  All I wanted was to be out of here.  So when my hand was turning the door handle, I thought I’d made it.  Score.  Goal.


                He was speaking quietly, that voice of honey and summer behind me, and it was a breathy command, so I knew he’d hurried to catch me.  My eyes closed and I wrinkled my nose, but I didn’t turn to face him.  I did, however, tilt my head so he knew I was listening.

                “Look, I get that you’re angry with me.  I would be too, and again I will apologize on Modest!’s behalf for forgetting to warn you about this.  But it doesn’t have to be a warzone whenever we’re around each other.”

                “You don’t understand,” I hissed, turning and closing in on him, my eyes narrowed and my face turning red.  “I don’t like all the attention that comes with being Brady’s younger sister.  I don’t want to go with him everywhere he takes me, and I hate being photographed and talked about and followed around by people I don’t even know.  You’re the one who chose a life like that.  Not me.  I don’t even want to be here!”

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