The Truth

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"Everything's fine..." Alexi muttered to himself as he tossed and turned in bed, unable to get any sleep.

He then tentatively reached over to his bedside table, grabbing his phone and scrolling back through his and Klara's past messages to each other.

As he read he felt fear return to his heart.

"What do I do if she really is..." He then whispered, stopping himself from finished as he put his phone back down shakily.

"S-Stay positive~" He added with a forced smile and chuckle, a single tear running down his face.

Slowly closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep...


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Urg... Shut up..." Alexi partially yelled as he reached out and silenced his alarm. Hardly moving as he adjusted himself to go back to sleep, having not had much during the night...


"Everything will turn out okay..." He whispered to himself as he rose from his bed glancing over at his clock and noticing that it was already 4:54PM.

"I really stayed in bed all day... I really am-" He started, stopping as he heard a knock at his door.

"I'm coming!"


"Hey you~"

"A-Ah..." Alexi muttered, a surprised expression forming on his face as he saw his girlfriend standing before him smiling widely.


"Yeah it's me~" She responded with a chuckle, looking at him with a confused expression as she noticed how he looked.

"Alexi, did you sleep much last night?"

"Well I..."

"And have you been crying?!"

"U-Um..." Alexi stuttered out, reaching up to his right eye.

"Well I...

"I-Is something wrong?" Klara added, a worried expression covering her face as she stepped closer to him.

"N-No I-I'm fine! H-How are you? Did you f-finish what you wanted to today?"


"That's good..." Alexi replied with a half smile, a dejected expression still covering his face as his mind raced to put pieces together.

(Alexi in head) "Maybe I was overreacting?..."

"Alexi, I can tell something's wrong..." Klara then stated, staring directly at him with a serious expression.

He let out a deep sigh and took in a deep breath as he began to speak.

"I... I thought you were cheating on me!"


"Y-You've been spending so much time focused on other things a-and y-you don't seem to enjoy my c-company anymore and I... I thought you were w-with another guy today!" Alexi practically yelled, tears streaming down his face as his pent up emotions from the last few days were all released at once.

"Alexi I would never cheat on you! I love you more than anything!" Klara yelled in reply starting to cry herself, leaning forward and pulling him into a tight hug.

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