A Confession?

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"I-I... I've really enjoyed spending time with you a-and..." Alexi whispered slowly, gulping slightly as Klara moved her face closer to his, allowing him to see her bright red face close up.

"So have I~" She replied softly, her face now so close that he could feel her warm breath on his skin.

Alexi then took a short breath, his heart rate increasing drastically as he saw Klara close her eyes and slowly part her lips. Following this he closed his own eyes and leaned forward, hearing Klara let out a short high pitched sound as their lips came together.

The kiss lasted for merely a few seconds but as they parted both Alexi and Klara smiled widely to each other.

"A-Alexi I-I..." Klara stuttered out, her mind having gone blank.

"A-Again?..." Alexi asked shakily in response.

Klara nodded her head slowly, giving him a smile as she leaned forward and kissed him once again.

"T-That was..." Klara stuttered once again, not knowing what to say.

"Amazing~" Alexi replied, squeezing her hand tightly.

"D-Da... U-Um... Y-Yes it was~" Klara responded feeling a wave of relief wash over her as he held her hand tightly.

"Klara I..."

"I-I think I love you..." Klara muttered causing Alexi to gasp loudly.

"A-Ah... Y-You do?..."

Klara nodded in response, shakily holding his hand with both of her's.

"You've been s-so nice to me and... Y-You've made me feel s-so happy and special... So uh..."

"I love you too~" He whispered, leaning forward once again so that he could speak directly into her ear.

She gasped at his words and felt herself choke up as he said it.

"T-Thank you!" She practically yelled, raising to her feet as tears of joy well up in her eyes.

"You're welcome~" Alexi replied, standing himself as he reached over and pulled her into a tight hug.

As they hugged, Klara raised one of her hands to wipe the tears from her face, she stopped though as Alexi lifted one of his own and wiped her face with his thumb.

"It's alright~" He whispered, rubbing her back with his free hand as they looked intently into each other's eyes.

"I'm so happy you came into my life~" Klara whispered back, a wide smile forming on her face once again.

"So am I. I never thought I'd find such a beautiful girl that I'd fall for while joining a club" 

He said in a joking tone, feeling tears of happiness form in his own eyes as the reality of the situation fully dawned on him.

Klara chuckled at this and reached her own hand up to wipe his face as he'd done for her.

"My turn~" She said with a smirk as she did so.

"I don't think I've cried this much in a while" He joked, smiling as a warm feeling spread through his heart.

"You can cry as much as you want" Klara responded with a smile.

"A-As long as I get to comfort you with a hug..." She then quickly whispered afterwards, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"I'm fine with that" Alexi whispered back with a smile, chuckling as he saw Klara's expression change to one of embarrassment.

"After all, I like being close to you" He then added, pulling her back towards him.

"A-Ah... P-People are staring at us you know..." Klara whispered, finally noticing that many of the people in the cafeteria were in fact staring at their little display.

"Eh, let them look~"


"Well here we are~" Alexi announced as he and Klara reached her apartment, still walking hand in hand.

"You didn't have to walk me home..." She whispered, looking away from him in embarrassment.

"O-Of course I did, I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you and I wasn't there to help!" Alexi responded, letting his emotions get the better of him.

As he raised his voice and spoke with conviction Klara felt her heart flutter and a small smile form on her lips.

"I'm sorry..." Alexi muttered with a sigh as he realised how loudly he'd just spoken.

"It's just... You're the first girl I've ever felt this way about and... I j-just want to show you how much you mean to me..."

Upon hearing his words Klara reached over and hugged him tightly, nuzzling her face into his chest.

"We're both each other's firsts" She whispered to reassure him.

"And I'm so happy you're my first love~" She then added, causing his heart to skip a beat.

Klara then quickly planted a kiss on his lips before hurrying into her apartment to hide her blushing face.

"Goodnight~" She said quickly flashing him a wide smile before closing the door.

"Goodnight~" Alexi replied with a laugh, grinning like an idiot to himself as he walked back down the corridor of the apartment building to the stairs...

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