A Chance Meeting

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Authors Note: The name 'Alexi' is just a name to represent you the reader.

"What can I do?" Alexi thought aloud to himself as he wandered alone during his lunch break.

"There must be some way that I can pass the time better..." He muttered as he passed a large notice board which read 'clubs' at the top.

"Clubs huh?" He added as he assessed the different options on the board in front of him.

As he looked he saw many different advertisements for all different kinds of clubs, but out of all of these one stood out. It was plain, lacking any colour, and was written in beautiful handwriting.

It read simply, "Music club - A place to relax and be yourself while enjoying music"

(Alexi in head) "Well they sure don't try too hard to sell themselves"

"But if it gives me something to do during my off time..."


"I wonder how many people are in the club..." Alexi thought aloud to himself as he approached the room it was to be held in. As he approached the door he put down his guitar case and looked at a small note that was placed on the door.

It was written in the same handwriting that he saw on the advertisement on the noticeboard the day before and read, "If you are here for the music club before I get here then just go inside and make yourself at home. I'll be there as soon as I can"

"Okay then..." He softly muttered as he entered the room and sat down.


After sitting for a short time with no one arriving, Alexi took out his guitar and began to practice a song he'd recently been trying to learn.

"Let's see now... A minor, E minor, F, A minor, D minor, A minor, E, A minor" He slowly whispered to himself as he played the chords, trying his best to play the song as he remembered when he last heard it.

As he continued to attempt to play the introduction to the song he didn't notice that someone was approaching the room...

---Klara POV---

As she got closer to the club room Klara could hear the sound of a guitar strumming get louder and louder, and it wasn't until she got to right outside the room that she realised that it was someone who was here for the music club.

She let out a gasp at this notion and almost dropped the violin case in her right hand. Ever since she created the club no one had shown any interest or even known that it existed, and while she was happy with that (as it gave her an opportunity to play her violin in peace) she found an excited feeling spread through her body as she put her hand on the door handle...

---No-one POV---

"I think that's it..." Alexi concluded, after playing the introduction for about the fifth time. It was about then that he heard the door squeak, turning his head to see a pretty blond haired girl enter the room with a slightly nervous expression on her face.

"Hello~" He greeted, stumbling slightly as he rose from his seat to shake her hand.

"Zdravstvuyte~" She replied with a smile.

"Er... okay then...."

(Alexi in head) "What the hell was that?"

"So are you in charge of this club?"

"Da~" She replied with a cheerful tone.

"Do you speak English as well as Russian?"

"A-Ah..." She shakily muttered, her hand fidgeting in front of her nervously, "A little bit..."

(Alexi in head) "She's pretty cute..."

"That's okay, but you can understand me right?"

"Da~" She started with a smile, before reverting back to her nervous expression "M-Mostly..."

"Okay then, well I'm Alexi~" He responded, holding out his hand towards her.

"Klara~" She replied with a smile as she shook his hand softly.

"So are there any other club members?"

"N-Nyet..." She replied with a downcast expression.

(Alexi in head) "That seems like a sore subject..." He thought to himself as he saw her saddened expression.

"Anyway, was that your writing on the poster and sign on the door?"

"Da~" She responded, nodding her head and again giving him a wide smile.

"Well it was very beautiful I must say" Alexi said with a confident smile, feeling his face heat up as what he said dawned on him.

(Alexi in head) "What am I saying?!"

"A-Ah..." Klara muttered her face turning red as well.

"S-Spasiba~" She replied softly as she turned away, taking her violin and bow out of the case.

(Alexi in head) "I think I embarrassed her too much, we only just met after all..." Alexi thought to himself as he watched her begin to play.

As she did, he found himself perking up, finding the music she played to be very relaxing and beautiful.


After about 10 minutes the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch time. As the bell rang Klara took her violin and placed it back into it's case. And upon realising he'd been staring at her the whole time, Alexi hurriedly put his guitar back into it's case as well. He then rose from his seat heading for the door...

(Alexi in head) "I probably shouldn't say anything, she probably thinks I'm a weirdo anyway..."

"A-Ah..." Klara muttered as she saw him leaving, quickly moving over to where he was near the door.

"W-Will you um... c-come uh... back sometime?..." She stuttered out, struggling to find the right words in English to say what she wanted to.

As he heard her words Alexi turned around, surprised at what she'd said but happy nonetheless. "Of course~ I'll see you tomorrow. Da?"

Klara let out a slight sigh and a chuckle at his response, "Spasiba~" she whispered softly turning around as he left, wide smiles on both of their faces...

The Power of Music (Klara, Girls und Panzer)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora