She Wouldn't...

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"Hm hm hm~" Alexi happily hummed to himself as he headed to the club room to meet up with Klara, expecting nothing out of the ordinary...

As he entered the room he noticed Klara sitting down at a desk near the window, staring out it intently.

(Alexi in head) "What's she thinking I wonder?..."

"Hey~" Alexi greeted, causing Klara to gasp and jump slightly in shock.

"H-Hey~" She shakily replied, still slightly flustered from him startling her.

"How has your day been so far?" Alexi asked as he pulled Klara to her feet by her hand and into a hug.

She giggled slightly at his gesture and responded, "It's been very good thanks, how about you?"

"Eh you know, the usual really~" he replied with a smile, slightly pulling back from her slightly.

"So did you notice anything out of place at all today?..." She then asked, causing a confused expression to form on Alexi's face.

"No... Should I have?"

"A-Ah N-No! Of course not! I don't even know w-what I'm saying~" Klara responded with a laugh and smile, stuttering out some of her words slightly.

(Alexi in head) "Okay..."


"This view is amazing~" Klara said with a wide smile as she leaned on the railing of the overlook, watching the sun slowly set in the distance.

"It sure is~" Alexi responded softly, his eyes drifting over to his smiling girlfriend's happy face.

(Alexi in head) "Beautiful indeed~"

"So what did you want to-" Klara then started, turning around slowly and stopping herself as she saw Alexi looking at her with a wide smile and a hand behind his back.

"Happy birthday~" He then announced, pulling out a large bouquet of flowers from behind his back and presenting them to her.

"A-Ah..." Klara muttered, her hands raising to her face as tears formed in her eyes.

"T-They're b-beautiful~" She stuttered out, rubbing her eyes with one hand as the other ran through the flowers.

"Thank you so much!" She then yelled, practically jumping forward as she pulled him into a hug. 

"A-Ah..." Alexi softly muttered, his smile widening as she nuzzled her face into his chest.

"You're welcome~"

"I-I love you so much~" Klara then whispered, pulling back slightly to look up into his eyes.

Alexi took a moment to respond as he felt his heart flutter from her words and her beautiful face which was know looking up at him with an expectant expression.

"I love you too~" He whispered in reply, pulling her in close again for a kiss.

"Mhm!", was all Klara could stutter out as they pair's lips came together for a few moments that seemed like an eternity for both of them.

As they parted no more words were needed. They simply held each other tightly, embracing in the fading light of the setting sun...

---Flashback End---

"Okay I'll talk to you later okay?" Alexi said as he packed up his stuff and prepared to head off to his next class.

"O-Okay!" Klara hurriedly responded, glancing up from her phone to reply to him with a quick smile.


"This will be perfect!" Klara said to herself, rather loudly as it turned out.

"What will be?" Alexi then asked with a confused yet amused expression.

"N-Nothing~" She then replied with the same nervous laugh and stuttering tone as earlier.

"Alright then... Would you like me to walk you home?"

"A-Ah n-no t-thank you I... I need to go a-and do s-something"

"O-Okay then..." Alexi stuttered, feeling fear creep into his heart as Klara jogged off without him.

(Alexi in head) "She been acting so strange... I really hope she's not ch- No, don't think like that..."

---Timeskip: Alexi POV---

Alexi sat in his apartment at his desk nervously tapping on it as he felt his heart race.

(Alexi in head) "She normally replies so fast... And I know she's been online recently, multiple times in fact..."

He then heard the familiar sound of his phone vibrating on his desk. Reaching down he unlocked it and read Klara's reply to his messages. The four messages he'd sent over the last few hours that had received no reply until now...

4:01 - Alexi: Hey how is your afternoon going?

4:53 - Alexi: Did you end up doing what you needed to after school?

6:15 - Alexi: I'm sorry for bothering you with all these messages...

6:38 - Alexi: But did I do something to upset you?

6:57 - Klara: Hey! No you didn't do anything at all.

7:02 - Alexi: Would you like to go out somewhere tomorrow then?

7:36 - Klara: Hey, yeah I'd like to but there's got something I've really got to do. Sorry.

He let out a sigh as he finished reading her last message.

"Maybe she's just really busy..." He muttered to himself, raising his hand to his face as he thought back to all of what had been happening recently.

For the past few days he'd certainly noticed her reply to his messages less frequently and with much different types of replies to those he'd become accustomed too. In the past they could chat for hours about anything but now, the simple act of responding seemed like it was much lower on her priority list.

Then whenever they'd see each other in person she she seemed preoccupied with something else. Always checking her phone and seemingly loosing interest even when they were conversing.

"Oh Klara..." He whispered to himself, wiping away some of the tears that had begun to run down his face as he began to sob softly.

"She wouldn't cheat on me would she?..."

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