Increased Familiarity

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"I never would've guessed I'd find myself looking forward to a club like I am now" Alexi joked as he walked to the club room, a wide smile on his face.

As he approached the door he could hear Klara playing her violin inside, which seemingly caused his heart rate to increase and his smile to dissipate slightly.

(Alexi in head) "Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?!"

He then took a deep breath and opened the door, his worried expression changing back to a smile as he saw Klara playing her violin across the room.

She then turned towards him, presumably hearing the sound of the door opening, as a surprised expression formed on her face.

"Alexi!" She announced with a smile, putting down her violin and leaping towards him, pulling him into a hug.

"You came~"

"Uh.." Alexi muttered, surprised by her gesture and immensely embarrassed to have her clinging to him like this.

"O-Of course, I promised I would after all"

Klara then pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes with a smile. This caused Alexi's heart rate to increase (again) and for her to start shaking slightly.

"A-Ah..." She muttered as her own face began to turn red.

(Klara in head) "What am I doing?!"

She then slowly let go of him, her hands shaking slightly.

"S-S-Sorry..." She whispered as she cast her gaze down at her shoes.

(Alexi in head) "What's she sorry about?"

"A-Ah... It's fine, really~" Alexi replied as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"T-Thank you... I just... I was so excited you came back again and... well I... I'm sorry!"

"Klara it's fine~" He reassured, pulling her back towards him slightly, causing her to gasp as he pulled her into a hug this time.

"I know you're nervous that I'm going to dislike you or leave or something, but believe me, I'm not going anywhere~" He added, pulling back slightly to look her in the eye.

This led to both of their faces turning red as he held her in his arms and gazed deeply into her eyes.

(Alexi in head) "She really is beautiful..."

(Klara in head) "I've never been this close to a boy before. It feels... strange..."


After their embarrassing exchange, the pair sat and talked until the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"I suppose we should get going..." Alexi muttered in a slightly dissapointed tone.

"I'm in no hurry~" Klara joked, "I've got no class next period anyway"

"Really? Me neither" Alexi responded, causing an idea to pop into his head. An idea which sounded like a great one in his head...

"Why don't we spend the period together then? We could go and get something to eat or something if you want to" He confidently asked, feeling his face heat up as he spoke.

Klara gasped at his proposal, gripping her hair in front of her to try and calm her nerves...

"L-Like a d-date?..." She asked softly, looking at the ground and clenching her eyes shut as she waited for his answer.

"A-Ah..." Alexi muttered in reply, shocked at what she'd asked.

"I-I suppose you could call it that..." He replied nervously.

"S-So you'd like to go on a date with me?..." She asked in response, this time looking up at him with a blushing face and innocent expression.

(Alexi in head) "She must be doing this stuff on purpose!"

"Y-Yes... I... I would" Alexi replied slowly, feeling some of his nerves dissipate as he finished speaking and he saw her wide smile.

"Thank you~" She whispered to him as she turned around and put her violin back in it's case.

(Klara in head) "I can't believe he said yes!"

Alexi gave her a smile and turned away himself to put his guitar away...

(Alexi in head) "She played me like a... Actually why am I even surprised at this point?"


"So how's your food?" Alexis asked Klara, looking over at her sitting just across from him at a table in the cafeteria.

"Very nice thank you~" She replied with a smile, looking away slight as she finished speaking, a blush beginning to cover her face.

"W-Would you l-like to try some?..." She added with a whisper.

"Ah I-I suppose..." Alexi responded, wondering why she ask such a thing. He then sat for a moment wondering what to do before he saw her do something that made he himself blush.

She picked up a piece of her food with her fork and started to move it towards his mouth.

Seeing what she was doing and realising what she intended Alexi's heart rate shot through the roof as he slowly opened his mouth.

(Alexi in head) "This is the sort of thing couples do!"

As he bit down on the food slowly and swallowed, he looked over at her with a smile. Giving her a slight nod to indicate that the food was good.

Klara let out a small sigh of relief at this and began to bring her hand back. However as she did her nerves about what she just did caught up to her and her hands began shaking wildly. She pulled her hands back and put the fork back down on the table, causing it to clang slightly as she struggled to put it down properly.

Seeing this, Alexi reached over and gently took her shaking hand with one of his while the other cupped her face lightly.

Klara gasped once again, her chest raising and falling quickly as her breaths became short.

"It's alright~" He whispered to her, causing her heart to flutter slightly.

"Alexi..." She muttered, struggling to speak properly.

She then shakily rose her free hand and used it to push his hand directly onto her face.

"T-Thank you..." She whispered back.

"This feels... Really nice..." She added, leaning her head over slightly into his hand, a wide smile forming on her face...

"K-Klara I..."

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