Chapter 56

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       "Kaima , are you ok" I heard Jidenna distant voice,  but I couldn't think of anything other than the number 220. It made absolutely no sense.  Its not like I was very smart like my other friends but I wasn't that low either. While I anticipated so much for 295 or something.  I got 220.
I felt my cheek grow hot.  I couldn't even look at Jidennna's face . The embarassment was choking me up.
"Emm.. what was your score ," my lips moved before I could think. "Kaima , it's not. .." he started but I shut him up with a loud hiss. "What did you get. And don't lie to me" I growled still not looking at him. "345" he said so quietly that I thought I imagined it, but I didn't and I immediately stared up at him to see him scratching at the curls at the back of his head. He got  345 and I, his girlfriend, got 220. Hot tears gushed out of my eyes as I quickly walked out of the hall while he followed behind. "Oh fuck,  youre crying. Kaima , wait " he said running after me . "I can't believe youre crying, I swear I didn't mean to make you cry" he said when he finally caught up with me as I walked quickly towards the hostel. "What are you saying.  I failed, 220 wont get me into a federal university ,talk less of studying nursing. I was so sure about it and I failed. I'm just a dumb failure." I cried slowing to a stop as he rushed in front of me and held my hand. "No Kaima , shit. Just stop it.  You're not a failure. " Jidenna said worry edging his voice and I glared at him.  "Dont try to compensate me. My two closest friends and you, my boyfriend scored above 300. I didn't even get up to 250 which is the lowest so far." I said  looking away , embarrassed again.  "Ok ok,  im sorry . I really didn't know you'll cry.  I just wanted to see your reaction" Jidenna said suddenly laughing. Is this guy going loco or what. "Jidenna,  what the fuck are you talking about" I deadpanned and he stopped laughing immediately now looking nervous. " I err.. you  didn't fail" he said letting go of my hands to pull out his fone. "What the, are you wyning me or what" I frowned at him. "This is your result , " he said with an awkward grin as he showed me the screenshot on his phone. "What in the... 332" I shouted in disbelief but my name was there and seat number and picture too. "But this is 332,  you said 220" I said still staring at his phone. "Emm yh,  it was an April fool" he said grinning awkwardly.

         "Babes , Jidenna is calling... again. " Anulika shouted to me  "cut the shit" I rolled my eyes. After Jidenna said it was an April fool , it took all my self control , not to kick him in the dick. I was so angry and happy at the same time.  I got a 332, I  was still pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming but I so wanted to hit Jidenna for that stupid prank. Anyway I left him standing there while I walked out with him calling after me. I should have dropped his stupid iphone on the ground too but I just left. On the other hand,  I was so giddy and excited and furious to eat so I went into the hostel and called mum . Now he had been calling for so long. Apologies messages filled my phone from him, but I ignored them all.
      "So now can you tell me why youre ignoring him " she asked rolling her eyes as I climbed up to my bed . "Wow,  just wow. I even for got today was actually April 1st. Jidenna doesnt av sense aswear "  she said laughing after I gave her the gist and I knew it was at me. Hell,  I'd laugh too if it happened between someone else and her boyfriend.  But it  happened to me ,so it wasn't funny. " if you like laugh, im sha not going to answer him soon.  He's nt ok " I said and pull my physics textbook from my bag.

     "Hey whats up" I ask Theodora as I sit on my seat in the dining hall  the next morning when I see students gathering around the front of the hall all murmuring . " why not look yourself" she mumbled not look up from her fone and I smiled. Nothing could separate her from her fone at times. "Chukwukaima , come and see ooo, " Lota ran to my table from hers with her fone . "You  are wicked ooo " she shook her head as she dragged me to d crowd in the front and right in front of me and half of the entire ss3 population was Jidenna wearing his plain black boxers ONLY ,kneeling down with it cardboard that had Kaima pls forgive me on it . "Oh my god" I laughed seeing his cheeks burning and I remember the time he asked what he should do if he offended me deeply and I joked saying,  he shud beg me in just his boxers in front of the school. And he totally did it. "Wow,  you are full of surprises.  " I mutter standing in front of him and collecting the cardboard. "Im sorry,  pls" he said looking at me with those adorable blue-brown eyes. "I forgive you,  now get up and wear clothes. So my eyes on my property" I laughed and he joined while standing while Fiyin tossed his uniform trousers to him which he pulled on before hugging and pecking my head while I laughed.  "Wow , and I thought girls be crazy" Anulika said shaking her head at us.

So Kaima got 332 afterall
Haq haq
It is what it is
What would you like your boo to do to apologise for offending you.

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