Killer x Reader

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(F/n)'s Pov

Being the only woman on the Kid Pirates ship isn't as bad as what everyone would think.

I'm treated with respect and I have to say the first mate looks pretty fine. His muscles stand out through his shirt and he's just so intimidating and dominant. The only thing is, I have no idea what his face looks like.

But with how his body and voice are, I'd have to say he has a sexy face too. I just want to have him ravish and dominate me.

I'm not generally submissive but when I hear his voice and see him boss the crew around just makes me become putty.

But I can't help but wonder if he'd wear his mask during sexual encounters. If so, I'd be sad about not being able to feel his lips press against my body.

The door to the galley slams open and in comes Kid, Heat, Wire and the man I fantasise about.

"Oh hey (N/n)" Wire spoke as he spotted my figure. I waved at him and the other higher ups.

Heat smiled, Killer nodded and Kid came over to sit at the same table as myself.

"What are you doing in here shrimp?" Kid gruffly spoke, but at the same time trying to be nice enough.

"I've been allowed to have the day off Captain."

"Says who?"

"That would be me Kid." Killer entered the conversation while everyone else sat around.

"Whatever, tomorrow your up in the crows nest on watch." Kid pointed at me.

I nodded and watched as Killer went into the kitchen to make food for the guys.

"Would you like to eat something
(f/n)?" Killer spoke as he cut some meat and vegetables.

"Uh, is (f/f) ok?" He nodded and grabbed the ingredients he would need.

"So shrimp, you ever gonna tell him about ya crush on him?" Kid asked in a surprisingly low voice.

"Kid! Heat and Wire are present!" I whisper shouted.

"We know about it (n/n)" Heat stayed plainly.

My face flushed a light red from embarrassment. I thought only the captain knew.

"Kid did you tell them?"

"Don't say my name shrimp, and no they figured it out themselves. They are smarter than you think." Kid rolled his eyes.


"He likes you too ya know." Wire spoke. Heat nodded along.

"I highly doubt it."

"Why is that shrimp?"

"For instance, he doesn't talk or acknowledge me unless I'm getting ordered around. Plus he goes and sleeps with the whores on the islands we dock at." I elaborated.

"He tries to ignore you so he doesn't get hard. And he fucks the whores to take out his pent up sexual desires." Kid spat.

"No one on this crew finds me attractive, sexually or not."

"That's not true (f/n), you are a very pretty woman." Heat said making me a bit happier.

"I agree with Heat." Wire spoke.

"Thanks guys."

They nodded and went back to being silent. The only noise heard was sizzling and water boiling. I started to play with my hands until Kid spoke up.

"All you have to do is sneak in his room, wear something sexy and lay in a sexy pose and he'll most likely walk in and fuck you into the mattress."

"Why only 'most likely'?" I asked.

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