Sabo x Reader

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Modern au

(F/n)'s Pov

When I'm asked 'what do you think of Sabo?'  I always respond with 'kind, caring, loving and a major cuddle bear'.

He's my boyfriend, should I think any differently? I love him and his slightly shy yet possessive nature. The only downside to his shy personality is that he will not make a move to further our relationship.

We've been together for over a year and he's too shy to touch me intimately. Even if we're making out his hands stay on my hips and rub slow circles, and if I go to move my hand over his crotch he jolts and moves my hand away saying 'it's fine, you don't have to do that.'

I mean, yea, we've seen one another naked. Hell we've even taken baths and showers together, but he still won't make a move. As of right now, I'm waiting patiently for him and his northern to come back to Pops' house.

It's quite adorable that they always come together on weekends to eat with Pops. Marco and Thatch no longer live in this massive house, but their rooms are still in perfect condition if they ever wish to come back.

Ace, Luffy and Sabo have separate rooms as well but Luffy prefers to sleep in Ace's room. I of course share a room with Sabo.

They aren't all blood related but they may as well be. They all get along so well, and of course Edward Newgate, identified as Pops is very proud of his adopted sons.

Pops is also especially proud one of his sons has gotten a woman, namely me.

"Hey lass, you know you didn't have to go and set the table right?"

"I know. But I felt I needed to, also, do you know when the boys will arrive?" I responded to the gigantic man sat at the head of the table. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"So, who's going to sit where tonight Pops?" I questioned, since everyone gets to take turns in sitting next to him.

"I'll have Thatchy boy on my left and Marco sit next to me on the right, Ace will be next to Marco then Luffy. You and Sabo can choose who will sit next to Thatch." Pops' grabbed his tankard then started to drink.

I nodded, showing him I acknowledged what had been said. Just as I was about to head into the kitchen to bring the masses of food to the table the front door burst open and laughter filled the house.

"Ah my sons! You've finally decided to show your faces!"

"Hey Pops" Marco greeted and gave the large man a hug. Thatch was next also giving the same greeting.

The other three just nodded. Sabo and Thatch came into the kitchen to help me bring all the food out onto the table while the others sat and patiently waited, making small talk with each other.

Before I could grab the last dish Thatch took it and spoke, "don't worry lil' mouse, I got this."

'Lil' mouse' is my nickname in this house, because I'm apparently tiny according to everyone else, but I don't mind.

I smiled at Thatch and nodded. As I turned I can face to face with Sabo's chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my arms wound around his neck on instinct.

I gave him a closed eye smile and he returned it. Sabo pulled me in closer and kissed me. I returned the gesture and as his tongue asked for entrance we heard, "Oi! Get your asses in this room so we can eat already!"

Sabo and I pulled apart and we both had a dusty pink shading our cheeks. We walked to the table hand in hand and I decided to sit in the middle of the brothers with Sabo then facing Luffy from where he sat.

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