Shanks x Reader

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Shanks' Pov

"C'mon men, let's go explore and find a tavern" I yelled out. Benn, Yasopp and Lucky Roo all jumping over board along with myself.

"You four will stay and guard the ship until dusk, then Roo and Yasopp will take care of it" Benn called out to some men, Yasopp whining, asking why he had to guard as he wanted to just drink. Everyone else went to check out the town as well.

Walking through the town I noticed that no one ran, everyone greeting us politely with smiles or a gentle wave of the hand. "Guessing that they're all used to pirates being here huh?" Benn called out.

"I'd say so, it doesn't make a difference to me either way though" I replied.

After ten minutes of roaming we finally came across a bar, going straight in I found a table and sat down. A woman came over straight away, she was clad in a simple white long sleeve shirt with black full length tights.

"Hi, what can I get you fellas today?" She asked, smiling as she finished her sentence.

"A round of your finest sake and can ya get us a bottle or two of rum while your at it darling?" I asked.

"It'll be out soon, I just gotta head to the cellar to fetch what you lads desire" she stated, turning on her heel and walking away. I stared at her retreating form.

"You ok Shanks?" Yasopp asked.

"You're gonna try and get with her before we leave aren't ya?" Benn stated more then questioned. I nodded nonetheless.

"Yea, but first I gotta get her name and win him over with my charm" I said winking at the guys. Right after that they all broke out laughing.

"Haha what charm do you have?" Benn.

"That's great you think that Cap' haha" Yasopp.

"You always know how to make a good joke. Hahaha" Lucky Roo.

I pouted at them, "I'm not joking." They all stopped and stared at me.

"Jokes aside, we know you can hook any girl in though. We've seen you do it" Benn said becoming stoic all the sudden.

"Yea, you've done it more then the captain though Benn" Roo piped up.

"Well we've all done it, we're pirates yes, but it doesn't mean we don't get needs or desires to touch and be accompanied by a woman" I pitched in.

They all nodded becoming silent.

"Here you are gents, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask" the woman from before came back with a tray and placed a few bottles and glasses on the table. As she bent over to put the glasses I front of each of us, we all heard the whistles coming from the rest of the bar.

"Hey lass, come over here, I gotta request" called a drunk man from the next table over.

She rolled her eyes and whispered, "drunk dickheads." Despite what she said she still went over, "yes sir?"

He pulled her into his lap and she squealed, obviously not expecting that to happen. "Let me take your ass home hey darlin'. I'll make it worth your while" he said. His hands starting to roam her body.


She slapped him and got up as his grip adulterer from the unexpected contact. "Keep your filthy fucken hands off me and get the fuck out of my bar!" She yelled.

He got up and went to strike her when I intercepted his hit with my hand. "You heard the lady, piss off" I stated sternly, gripping his hand harshly causing a few of his bone to break. He yelled and I let go, he ran out with his mates tagging behind him.

One Piece x Reader LemonsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin