How To Feel.

135 6 3

ℳai's pov:

I rolled over, twisting the black material of my shirt. My eyes filled with the sight of my love's sleeping face. Carefully I laid my hand on his cheek, caressing the pale flesh.

Why am I so blinded by you? Why can I see the clues but not have the strength to walk away? Why do I hope it will get better when I know it won't?

Sighing, I rolled out of bed. My feet connect with the cool, wooden floor. It causes a chill to run down my spine as I went through my daily routine.

After I finished that, I stood against the counter with a hot cup of coffee. My tired eyes stared at the dark liquid as I took tiny sips. The white ceramic warmed my hands, causing me to take one hand from the cup to my face and transfer the heat.

Looking up, a tired being emerged from the confines of the room. He groggily stood as he rubbed his uncovered eyes. His hair was messed up and he was only in his boxers.

"Why are you up so early?" Yukio wondered.

"It's ten thirty, so not that early. And I'm going out with Sayuri." I explained.

"Can't you just stay here?" He asked.

"No, I'm already ready to go. You'll probably be called to work soon, as well." I answered.

"I know. That's why we should make the most of our time together." He declared.

Ringing filled the air as Yukio sighed heavily. He stepped back into the room, answering the phone. Only muffled replies could be heard by me.

Finishing my coffee, I headed out the door. The cool, somewhat, morning air chilled my exposed skin as I walked. Though, not many people fill the streets. It's oddly calm for a Saturday afternoon.

A few minutes later I arrived at a little café. I took a seat at one of the tables outside and a waiter scribbled down my order. He soon returned with a cup of French vanilla cappuccino with whipped cream on the top.

Casually a tall blonde girl sat down across from me. A very sly, evil grin danced on her lips as we stared at each other.

"We done it again." Sayuri smirked.

"I know." I declared.

Upon her chest was a dark blue shirt with Asuna from Sword Art Online and around her waist was white cargo shorts. Her medium length, blonde hair was down. Black and red high tops covered her feet.

Coincidentally I wore a black shirt with Kirito from Sword Art Online. Dark brown cargo shorts covered my waist. Black and white newspaper print converse conceal my feet. My hair is up in a ponytail and a tiny black bow is clipped in, as well.

"Why are we still dressing like teenagers?" I wonder.

"Cuz we're still young and nerdy." Sayuri answered.

"Fair enough." I nodded.

"So, your long time boyfriend has decided to be a douche and cheat." She stated.

"It appears that way." I confirmed sadly.

"Then it probably is that way." She declared.

"But I don't want it to be that way!" I protested.

"What are you gonna do about it, then?" She asked.

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Well, we gotta figure this out." Sayuri announced.

"I don't know what to do." I complained, rubbing my eyes from under my glasses.

"Sounds like you're confused. You're probably angry and sad. And those trying to mix is confusing you." She explained.

I groan in annoyance, drinking my cappuccino. All the telling me how to feel has me even more confused.

I'm not even sure if I'm angry. Just sad and worried. I don't know what to do.

"Enough with problems, have you found someone?" I asked.

"Actually, yes, I have." Sayuri confessed.

"Really? Who?" I questioned curiously.

"Ummm, it's Rin." She blushed.

"Oh my gosh! That's great!" I cheered.

"Wait, do you know?" I wondered, realizing a bit of forgotten details.

"What? That he's a half demon? Yeah, I've been informed." she admitted.

The blonde girl then punched my arm, sending jolts of pain through the muscle. She pointed to me and spoke, "That's for lying to me, exorcist."

"Haha, it was necessary at the time." I chuckled, rubbing my arm. She just rolled her eyes.


Most of the day was spent at that little café. Me and Sayiri got caught up from the months of no contact. There was no real reason for that loss of contact but it happened nonetheless.

As stated, her and Rin are now together after years of inaction to their obvious attraction towards each other. He had asked her out, very awkwardly, about three months ago. Everything has went well with few fights. Neither of them have said love yet but it's clear that they are in love.

Rin came and picked Sayuri up. We chatted for a moment before they left. I believe the plan was for them to get takeout.

After their departure, I left the café. Yet, I did not return home. Instead I took a leisurely stroll through the park that's only a couple blocks down from the house.

My hands rested in my pockets as I walked. A light, summer breeze flowed through my hair. It made old memories come back.

[ℬegin ℱlashback]
ᗩ light, summer breeze blew through my hair. It was accompanied by the smell of honey suckles that danced in the air. I walked with my fingers intertwined with those of Yukio's. We stopped on a little hill in the park.

A small picnic was set up and it was like a movie scene. There was a red and white checkered blanked with a basket in the center. Outside the basket sat some of my favorite snacks.

Shock was clear on my face as Yukio lead me to sit down. I sat down on the checkered blanket, slipping off my shoes. Yukio done the same and handed me a root beer. I gladly accepted.

We ate and the day grew on. It was filled with laughter as a good atmosphere surrounded us. It was nice, like a little piece of heaven.

I had come to lay on the blanket with Yukio beside me. It was comfy in the embrace of the taller, brunette male. Steady, content breaths left our lips as no demons were currently coming to kill us.

I stared up at the clouds as they drifted by. Their beauty always has captured my attention. The shadows and sun make them look beautiful the way they lay in the sky at times.

"Yukio, look," I pointed at the sky, "they're so pretty."

"Haha, yeah they are." He stated.

"I'd live on a could if I could. Wait! I wouldn't. Cuz then I wouldn't be able to look up at them." I rambled, he just chuckled at me.

"Hey, what's so funny?" I wined.

"Oh, nothing. You're just funny when entranced by the clouds." Yukio mused.

"I can't help it they're pretty!" I protested.

"Haha, I know," He declared, "but I could say the same for you."

"Are you complimenting me?" I blushed.

"Why of course." He stated, kissing the top of my head. I simply smiled.
[ℰnd ℱlashback]

I shook my head at the memory. A stroll to clear the mind has left me reminiscing. Yet, the bittersweet feeling within had a faint smile growing.

My head shook more as I took my leave from the park. The walk home was quiet and calming. But it was nice.

Once at home, I watched some tv. The tv quietly played Masterpiece Mystery. This favorite of mine had me entertained until I slipped into an unconscious state.

❖This is the half way mark, you guys.❖

Love Story. [2015 Watty Awards]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora